[Stris] An Alonso Family Christmas

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"I told you they love you. Even if they're incredibly nosey."

"If nosey is your family's worst quality, I think I'll be just fine," Street told her as he wrapped his arms around her waist.


It was 5pm on Christmas Eve, and 20-squad were preparing to clock out for a weekend of holiday festivities after a 10-hour shift together.

"Holiday plans?" Hondo asked as he entered the locker room last.

"Heading home now to see Annie and the kids. We have Christmas dinner and mass with her family tonight," Deacon answered as he picked up his belongings. "I'd love to stay and chat, but Annie has me on a tight schedule."

"Merry Christmas, Deac," Hondo told him as he exited the locker room quickly.

"Same as Deacon," Chris answered her boss. "Alonso family dinner and mass."

"I will never envy those of you who sit through mass half-asleep at midnight!" Luca told the brunette as he closed his locker.

"Tan?" Chris said to get his attention. "Are you dragging Bonnie to mass this year?"

"No way," Tan said with a chuckle. "Thank god I married a Methodist, so now I have a way out of Christmas Eve mass. We're staying in and going to bed."

"I've gotta run myself," Luca told the remaining team members. "I promised Kelly I'd stop by before I head out of town with my brother."

"You're leaving poor Street alone at Christmas?" Hondo asked.

This pulled Street's attention away from the locker he was rummaging around while not totally diverting half of that attention towards Chris.

"I asked him to come with me, and he said he'd rather stay at home," Luca answered with a shrug as he closed his locker. "I guess Charlie will have some good Christmas company."

And with that, Luca waved goodbye to his friends as he too exited the locker room.

"I'm behind you, Luca!" Tan called out and followed suit.

Chris had stopped in her tracks when she heard Luca would be leaving Jim alone for Christmas. That simply didn't sit well with her.

"I'm going to meet the Harrelsons for our traditional Waffle House dinner," Hondo told the two of them as he prepared to leave. "But Street, Christmas lunch is at one at my place tomorrow; you're welcome to come."

"Thanks, Hondo," Street thanked the older man with a smile and watched him exit the room too.

Chris looked his face over like she was trying to read his mind and battle her own at the same time as soon as Hondo left.

"Spit it out, Chris," he told her. "You're going to draw blood one of these days biting your lip like that."

She gently placed her hand on his that rested against his locker door.

"Come with me tonight," she asked as he finally looked at her and sighed.

"I'm not feeling particularly festive," Street answered. "Or religious."

Chris took her opportunity to pull their now interlaced hands towards her the same way he had done in the kitchen a few months back.

"Well, mass is in Spanish, so you won't understand it anyway, or we can skip it altogether; they'll understand. But I am not leaving you alone, so it's either come with me, or I'm coming with you to have a quiet Christmas with Charlie," and she wasn't asking this time.

"You," he emphasized to her. "Are not skipping an Alonso family Christmas. Your aunt will never let you hear the end of it."

"Then come with me," she was almost begging him now. "You know my family loves you. You've been to a BBQ which makes you family now. It's dinner, mass, present opening, and a chill Christmas day. No judgment from us."

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