[Stris] 50-David

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"Hey, babe," Street called out as he exited the bedroom after his shower. "Did someone ring the-"


It was a comfortable Thursday evening for Chris and Street. She had gotten off from work precisely on time at 5pm after an uneventful shift leading into her three-day weekend. And he had been at home all day expecting her arrival.

The couple had planned to have a relaxing evening in Jim's home while Luca was out of town for the long weekend visiting family. Street had done the shopping, Chris was doing the cooking, and the two planned to watch a new documentary together after dinner. 

Chris dropped her bags at the door and hung her keys in the spot that was now designated hers- as she had done so many times recently- and walked into the kitchen to begin preparing dinner.

Street had left out all of the ingredients she had requested on the counter, along with a little note letting her know he was out for a run with Charlie and would return soon.

Chris smiled at the sight. This wasn't abnormal for them at this point. She had been home from Germany for a couple of months, and the two of them had gone from not knowing what they were to serious in that short amount of time. 

Jim's extended medical leave had been both a blessing and a curse; it had given the couple time to figure their relationship out, but it also gave them time to get serious, and both of them knew breaking things off at this point wasn't an option. The two had fallen head over heels in love with each other. They both knew there would be some tough choices to make soon. Street was due back to work in about a month, and they couldn't continue to hide what was going on.

Chris only hoped her plan would win out at the end versus Street's.


The doorbell rang about an hour later as Chris was finishing up dinner. They weren't expecting company she knew of, but she quickly set her pan of bread inside the oven and answered the door anyway.

Lieutenant Lynch was standing on the front porch holding a stack of papers.

"Chris," Lynch said, surprised as the door opened. "This actually works out great. Your place was my next stop. Let me go grab your papers from my car, too."

Chris just stood in the doorway, confused, as the lieutenant quickly grabbed a second stack of papers from her car and returned to the house.

"You can come in," Chris said as she walked back towards the kitchen. "Street's in the shower, but he should be out soon if you'd like to wait on him."

"That sounds great," she replied as she took a seat at the kitchen island.

"Can I get you anything to drink, Lieutenant? Water? Wine? Coffee? I'm afraid dinner isn't ready quite yet," Chris said as she turned back around to face her boss after stirring the pasta on the stove.

"I won't be staying that long," Lynch replied. "But a bottle of champagne might be appropriate for you."

Chris was confused at her choice of words. She had a typical day at work, and there was nothing worth celebrating with champagne that she knew of.

"I tried to catch you before you left today, but I got held up in a meeting," the lieutenant continued. "Chris, you passed your sergeant's exam; I'm here to offer you the 50-David position. The paperwork is for your transfer effective Monday morning if you want it."

Chris' eyes went wide at the realization of what she had just been offered. She couldn't even begin to speak.

"Or you can have the weekend to think about it," she offered. "I'm in no rush to fill the position."

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