[Stris] A Couple Of Idiots In Love

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Everyone and their mother knows Chris and Street are in love at a 4th of July party.



Tan and Bonnie were the first to greet Chris and Street when they arrived last at Hondo's 4th of July celebration.

The married couple had seen the two pull into Hondo's driveway and opened the door to greet their friends. What they saw was not what either of them was expecting at all.

As Chris approached Jim's side of the car, he reached for her hand and pulled her towards him to kiss her cheek.

Chris casually laughed off his affection and continued her task of grabbing their belongings from the backseat of her vehicle.

Just as Chris disappeared into the backseat, Jim noticed his friends standing on the porch and waved toward them.

Jim took some of the bags from Chris' arms, and the two walked into the house with Bonnie and Tan following behind.

Their only words were "sorry we're late," as they continued into the kitchen like nothing had happened.

Their casual remarks had made Tan second guess what he had seen. He decided to lag back in the hallway with Bonnie to confirm his sight.

"You saw that, too, right?" Tan asked quietly.

"Thank goodness you saw it, too, because I thought I was seeing things there for a minute," she replied.

"He definitely kissed her, right?" Tan asked again.

Bonnie nodded her head in response.

"That's what I saw. Maybe it was nothing. She did laugh it off, and they acted like nothing happened when they came in."

Bonnie began walking toward the kitchen to see the two, not wanting to be any ruder.

Victor hung back for a few more moments to compose his thoughts.

"It was probably nothing," he mumbled to himself as he went to join his wife and friends in the kitchen.



"Luca," Chris exclaimed as she ran towards her friend and engulfed him in a hug. "Sorry we're late; we stopped to see my uncle and cousins before heading here. I've missed you!"

Luca hugged the smaller girl tightly, having not seen her in almost two months.

"You wouldn't have missed me so bad had you gone to Germany with me," Luca teased as he let her go.

Chris shook her head with a chuckle and wrapped an arm around Jim's waist as he joined her side.

"I had something more important to take care of."

"There's our half-broken goods," Luca said as he pulled Street away from Chris' side and hugged his best friend. "How are you feeling?"

"Feeling much better," Street started. "Just happy to be out of the house and see everyone."

"You'll never come back home to me after being with Chris for this long," Luca teased.

"Speak of Alonso," Luca said to grab her attention again. "Since when is Street invited to the Alonso family cookouts over me? You spend two months with the guy, and suddenly you replace me. I feel betrayed."

Chris laughed at his question.

"You know you're always welcome, Luca," Chris said as she wrapped her arm back around Jim's waist.

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