[Stris] A Life With You (post 5x09)

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"What I do know, Street, is that I want a life with you."


Chris was trying desperately to entertain and distract herself before bed with an episode of Big Brother. After the day she had, she needed her brain to rest so her body could as well. The last thing Chris wanted was for her recovery to be longer because she could not get the proper rest her body needed. As it turns out, being held up in an old western TV set and nearly beaten to death doesn't cause the mind to settle quickly.

When her phone first chimed from the coffee table opposite her side of the couch, Chris wanted to ignore it. She was tired of reassuring everyone she was fine and didn't want to move. But the second chime got her attention. There were only two people who would continue to annoy her if she didn't answer; their names were Helena Alonso and Jim Street, and Chris wasn't sure who she'd least like to deal with at that moment. So with a huff, she moved across the couch as best she could with her newly reset knee and grabbed her phone.

Jim Street. Great. If there was another person whose mind was running faster than hers that night, it was likely to be Street's.

Are you still up?

I'd really like to see you tonight, but I can settle for a phone call.

And just as she finished reading the two messages, a third appeared.

I know you're awake now, Christina. Can I come by?

Chris rolled her eyes. He was obviously watching those read receipts.

Door's unlocked. We're watching Big Brother.

Her simple reply made him laugh. Of course she was still up watching reality TV after the day she had.

You never fail to amaze me. Dinner?

Chris didn't exactly know what he meant, but she was never one to turn down dinner.


"Hi," Chris said as Street entered her apartment and looked at her.

She moved to get up from her sprawled-out position across the entirety of the couch when he urged her not to.

"You don't have to get up for me," Jim told her as he set the pizza on the coffee table.

Chris somewhat adhered to his advice but still sat up and propped her knee on the table.

"Do you need anything?" He asked after passing her a plate for the pizza.

"I'm good for now," she answered as he took a seat on the chair next to the couch.

The silence was odd. Usually, Street would talk her ears off about Luca, the dog, or even something completely random. But he was silent tonight and as far away from Chris as possible. That was odd, too; he loved sitting as close to her as she allowed.

After eating in complete silence, Chris couldn't bear it any longer, and turning the TV back on wasn't an option. They needed to talk. So she set her plate on the coffee table and looked over at Jim. He seemed frozen in a solemn stare at her.

"Jim?" She asked concerningly.

"What's up?" He asked her back after realizing she had called his name. She had called him Jim; she never did that.

When the saddened look didn't leave his face, Chris stood up as best she could and beckoned him to come to her. She had her arms around him in a warm embrace and her face buried in his neck in one swift motion. He soon held her just as gently, and she ran her fingers down his spine.

"You okay?" She mumbled into his shoulder with a kiss.

Street pulled back enough so that they could look at each other.

"I should be asking you that," he told her, tracing the cut on her face.

"I'm okay," Chris assured him with a small smile. "Nothing I can't live with. Are you okay?"

"You're hurt worse than I thought you were when we found you," Street replied honestly.

Unable to stand any longer, Chris pulled Street onto the couch with her and intertwined their hands.

"I won't lie to you," she started. "This is the worst pain I have ever felt, but it's just a dislocated knee and a concussion. I'll live with some painkillers and rest."

"I have been terrified for you all day, so I cannot imagine what you felt out there," he sympathized.

Chris closed her eyes and sucked in a breath. They were going to have this conversation.

"I thought I was going to die today," she said simply. "When I went down in the saloon, I knew Deacon wouldn't make the trade. I found myself standing with a gun to my head, praying for the first time in a long time. Because all I could hear was you talking about only having me left. All I could see was a life I wished I got to live with you. I knew I wasn't ready to leave you yet, or maybe even ever. What I do know, Street, is that I want a life with you. I'm ready for that, and I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make that happen. You are the one thing I can't imagine living without."

"It's a good thing I can't imagine my life without you either," Jim replied before planting his lips firmly against hers.

The kiss was gentle with her concussion and split lip, but it felt like a lifeline for them. Like they needed each other like air.

When Chris pulled away, her cheeks were flushed a bright shade of pink, but the smile she wore outshined it all. 

Street made it a point to wrap his arm around her and pull her in as close as possible. Chris didn't mind and took the opportunity to rest her increasingly tired head on his shoulder.

"I hope you know I still want to kill Deacon," he said softly after a long pause.

She laughed a little and placed a kiss on his exposed neck.

"I'll make you a deal," she offered with a yawn. "Let's go to bed so you can sleep on it, but if you're still mad in the morning, I'll let you give the old man a heart attack and tell him about us."

"I knew you were the one for a reason," Street said with a laugh before pecking her lips and picking her up for bed.


[written 3.14.2022 - edited 4.3.2022]

Well, this is a long-overdue post 5x09 part! This piece takes place under the assumption of being right after 5x09 and not seeing any further episodes. This part will be replacing 53 Hours. I really hate that part now, so I'm going to stick to post episodes instead of prediction parts from now on. Sorry to any of you who like that one; I hope this is a suitable replacement. Stay tuned for a post 5x13 part. It's in the drafts! <3 -Sharna

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