Stris Drabbles (part 2)

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This is part 2 of my Stris drabbles collection! These stories were too short to have their own part, so I compiled them here. Each part has its own title outlined. Enjoy! <3 -Sharna


Tia Knows Everything

Chris had been abnormally tapped out all afternoon at her family's BBQ. Not just her usual reserved self but absolutely absorbed in her phone. Everyone had taken notice.

By 3pm, her Aunt Maria had become annoyed enough and confronted her niece.

"You could have just brought him with you," Maria said sternly as Chris leaned against the counter.

"Who are you talking about, Tia?" Chris asked as she sat her phone down to play dumb.

"You know exactly who I'm talking about, cariña."

When Chris still wouldn't give in, Maria huffed and put herself as bluntly as possible.

"Call Jim and tell him Tia says to come over so you'll finally pay attention to your familia."

Chris turned bright red at her Aunt's ability to know everything as Maria momentarily turned back towards her cooking.

When it took Chris too long to follow through with her Aunt's command, she quickly spun around and gave her niece a harsh look.

"I'm going now, Tia," Chris said as she walked outside defensively with her hands in the air.


Chris met Jim at the door shortly later when he had arrived.

"Thank you for coming," she whispered as he hugged her. "I know it's short notice."

"I'm always happy to see you," Jim said as he pressed their foreheads together.

Chris gave in and pressed a short kiss to his lips- breaking her own rule about affection outside their homes.

"So that's who you've been texting all day," Tomas said as he entered the house from the back door with Salzo.

Chris quickly pulled away with a blush and tucked herself into Street's side to hide her embarrassment.

"He's welcome anytime if it'll keep her off that phone," Maria called out from the kitchen.



The Locket

After an intense post-shift workout and subsequent shower in the team locker room, Nora was packing her work bag when she noticed something shiny on the bench.

She quickly finished packing her belongings before picking the object up, hoping to recognize it and return it to its owner.

The shiny object turned out to be a gold, oval-shaped necklace that Nora didn't recognize. And upon further inspection, she figured out it was an old and worn locket. Nora fumbled several times before successfully opening the locket in hopes of finding its owner.

Although the locket was only medium-sized, she could make out the two pictures that were housed inside. The photo on the left was a photo of Chris, Street, and a boy* she didn't recognize; she assumed the picture was older as Jim's hair was uncharacteristically shorter and Chris seemed hesitant towards him. The photo on the right was the complete opposite. Chris was leaned against Jim's side and had a warm smile on her face as he looked down at her, smiling just as happily; it looked as if Jim had snapped the photo without her even knowing. Nora assumed this was a very recent photo since Chris' hair was longer, and she had a TLI shirt on in the image.

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