[Stris] When She Came Home (part 1)

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"Their girl was finally coming home. And it was about damn time."


Devastation was the word on the team's mind as they entered the locker room. Technically, there were 2 hours left on their shift before the 3 day weekend, but Hicks sent them home early with full pay considering the day's events.

The day had not gone the way anyone would have liked. 20-David was called into work early because of a hostage situation gone wrong. The little girl slipped out the back door, but this set off the perpetrator. He shot the girl's brother before 20-David could shoot him.

Deacon and Tan quickly cleared out of the locker room; Deacon was desperate to see his children, and Tan wanted nothing more than to hug Bonnie after his long day. Luca hung around for a little while in the kitchen, hoping he could video call Kelly as soon as he knew she was out of school; he hoped seeing the little girl would ease his heart just a little. That left Chris and Street in the locker room alone.

Chris sat on the bench facing her open locker with her head in her hands, and Street sat on the floor facing Chris with his head tucked into his knees. They were silent for a long time.

After the long stretch of silence, Jim moved to sit beside Chris and wrapped his arm around her back. She almost instantly moved to wrap her arms around him tightly in a hug.

He held her for a long time, and they both cried silent tears.

"We can't save them all, Chris," Jim said sadly into her ear.

She pulled away from their embrace and wiped the tears from her eyes. 

"I know. I just hate that it was a kid. He was so little, Jim. I can't stop thinking how that could have been any kid; that could have been Victoria."

"Hey, but it wasn't Victoria. Not that that makes this situation any less tragic because there's still a kid dead, but his sister is alive and back with their family. And that suspect is being taken care of by the devil himself. But you did a good thing today, Chris. That little girl found some comfort in you that she wouldn't have had otherwise. You got to take that little girl home to a family that loves her immensely. She'll never forget you. You were a beacon of hope to her on the worst day of her life," he interlaced their fingers together and squeezed her hand.

She looked up at him and only said, "I miss you."

Her tone was quiet but sincere, and tears again filled her eyes.

Jim pulled her back into his chest and wrapped one arm around her back, and placed his other hand on the back of her head.

"I miss you, too."

Silence followed them.

Jim moved to take both of her hands in his and looked at her directly as he spoke.

"Chris, come home. I miss you. Charlie misses you; Luca misses you. I messed up, and I'm so sorry for that. I made you run away to Ty and Kira to escape me, and it is my biggest regret. You can't stand me to the point that you'd rather sleep on Deacon's couch than come home, and I feel like the worst person in the world for causing you to feel that way. I don't deserve you, but damn it, Chris, I miss the hell out of you, and I just want you to come home." 

A single tear rolled down Street's face as he finished.

"Jim, I want to come home," she replied softly as she wiped the tear from his face.

Jim pulled Chris as close to him as he could and held her so tightly that she could barely breathe.

Luca entered the locker room to see the two embraced. He smiled for the first time that day.

"Guess who's coming home," Jim said with the biggest smile as he still clung to Chris.

Luca smiled even wider at the two.

Their girl was finally coming home. And it was about damn time.


[written 5.17.20 - edited 9.15.2021 + 3.30.2022]

[formerly "I Want To Come Home"]

So this part got a major revamp. I liked the premise, but my details were too much, so I dulled it down. The next post is still an extension of this story if you want to read it. <3 -Sharna

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