[Stris] When 20-David Knew

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Let's look at when each member of the 20-David squad knew Chris and Street were in love and when the two actually admitted they were in love with each member.



Being the resident dad of the team, Deacon was the first member to realize his kids were in love.

Although, he didn't find out without some help from the couple themselves.

Chris had agreed to watch the youngest member of the Kay family, her goddaughter Victoria, on a Saturday evening so the couple of parents could spend a night out for the first time in months.

However, Chris seemingly forgot her evening's plans until Deacon called to inquire about her location- seeing that she was already 10 minutes late. She had planned a date night the same evening, and she and Street were dressed to the nines for the occasion.

Rather than be any later to her babysitting job, Chris opted to go straight to the Kay household; and that meant showing up with Street in their dress clothes.

"Hey," Deacon said as he opened the door, not paying any mind to Chris. "Victoria is down for her evening nap, but- woah, don't you look nice."

Chris smiled at him.

"You have a hot date or something?" Deacon asked teasingly.

"Something like that," Chris said as she stepped in the door. "Hope you don't mind that I brought Street with me."

Jim had just walked up behind them after lagging back at his car.

At that moment, everything clicked in Deacon's mind, and his eyes went wide.

"Not at all," he said as calmly as he could. "Feel free to continue your date here."



It was at a typical 20-David BBQ at Hondo's house memorial day weekend when Tan found out.

The day had been seemingly ordinary. Chris and Street had arrived together. She, Bonnie, and Tan helped prepare food in the kitchen while the rest of the team hung out outside as Hondo grilled. It wasn't until Jim came and stole Chris away from the kitchen that the oddity struck Tan.

First off, Jim had been standing outside on the phone for quite some time before he came to get Chris. Secondly, he had put his arm around her waist in a way that seemed weirdly comfortable for the two to lead her away. And lastly, they had been gone for far too long for Tan's liking. So, he decided to be a little nosey and check on the two. They were only on the front porch, after all.

What Chris and Street didn't realize was that the curtains to Hondo's living room were wide open, and anyone who stepped foot in the living room could see them.

A terribly timed comforting kiss was all it took for Tan to catch them red-handed.

And being the annoying brother he was, Tan decided to let them know he knew.

"You guys good?" Tan asked as he opened the front door.

Chris and Street immediately jumped 2 feet apart as Tan laughed at them.

"We're good!" Chris said, hoping Tan wouldn't say anything else.

"Just my mom causing problems as usual," Jim added.

"Alrighty then," Tan started. "I'm going to go drink copious amounts of alcohol and hope that dulls the image of me finding you two making out on the front porch."



Admittedly, Hondo was definitely being nosy when he found out about the couple.

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