[Stris] Just Chris & Street

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"We're still just Chris and Street," Jim exclaimed as he picked his new wife up in a hug.


To the entire 20-David team, the BBQ at Hondo's house seemed normal. 

The team was known to have get-togethers monthly, and they had missed the past three months due to Chris and Luca being in Germany.

The two friends had arrived back in the states a week prior and were excited to see everyone together for the first time since they left.

But what Luca and the rest of the team didn't know was that this was no typical BBQ. Chris and Street had decided to get married when she came back home. The distance and looming return to SWAT had pushed the two to make the permanent commitment; they even hoped the loophole of them being married and not just "fraternizing" might be enough to keep them both on 20 Squad when Street was cleared to return.

The only other person who knew of their elopement was Hondo, who offered to host the event and even officiate the ceremony.

After Chris and Street arrived first, the rest of the team came one by one, along with Lynch, Hicks, Jess, Bonnie, and Annie.

This was going to be a full SWAT celebration.

Once everyone arrived, Hondo gathered them together in the backyard for a toast to begin the evening.

"I know we're all here to welcome Chris and Luca home," Hondo started smiling in Chris' direction. "But to be completely transparent, that's not really why you're all here. Chris..."

Chris sucked in a sharp breath and took over her boss' sentence.

"Street and I have some news," she started and looked at Jim to finish.

"We're getting married tonight," Jim said as he took Chris' hand in his. "And you're all at our wedding."

The backyard went silent for a few moments before everyone erupted into congratulations and hugs all around.

Once everyone had the chance to see the happy couple and offer their congratulations, Chris gathered everyone's attention again.

"Before we get this show on the road," she said with a smile. "We do need to get a few things in order, mainly our wedding parties."

"Luca," Jim started with a wink. "Best man?"

"As if that were even a question," Luca replied as he hugged his best friend.

"I'll be officiating," Hondo quipped from the side to inform everyone.

"That leaves me," Chris said as she pulled away from Jim's side. "As it turns out, I need a best man, too. Tan? Do me the honor?"

Tan smiled and hugged Chris tightly.

"We started SWAT standing together, so it only seems fitting I stand beside you while you get married," he answered.

Chris had one more person she needed to complete the night, and his name was Deacon.

"Deac," Chris said as she took both of his hands. "I need my 20-David dad to walk me down the aisle, even if that aisle is grass in Hondo's backyard."

Deacon had tears forming in his eyes as he hugged Chris. 

"Of course, I will," he whispered to her as he held her tightly.

As Deacon let go, Jim could be heard, "We have a wedding party, now let's have a wedding!"


Thirty minutes later, it was officially wedding time.

The two would be getting married in front of Hondo's rose bush in the backyard.

Everyone had worked together to get chairs set up on either side of the temporary aisle. Hicks, Lynch, and Jess sat on one side, while Annie, Bonnie, and Nora sat on the other side.

As the sun began setting, Hondo walked from his French kitchen doors down the isle, signaling to the guests that the wedding was starting.

Next came Street, followed by Luca, and finally Tan.

When they had settled, Deacon and Chris exited the house and slowly walked towards Street.

When they reached the end of the aisle, Deacon kissed Chris on the forehead and warned Street to "take care of his oldest daughter" before joining his wife in the front row.

"We are gathered here today, in my lovely backyard, to last-minute witness the marriage of Chris and Jim," Hondo started as he earned a laugh from the two and their guests.

"Neither of these two is much for theatrics, so we'll just skip to the good part," Hondo started again with a wink. "Do you, James Michael Street, take Christina Jade Alonso to be your lawfully wedded wife? To have and hold, love, and cherish- even when she beats you in TLI competitions- in sickness and health, 'til death do you part."

With a small laugh aside, Jim took the ring from Luca and placed it on Chris' hand. 

"I do."

Hondo then turned to Chris.

"Do you, Christina Jade Alonso, take James Michael Street to be your lawfully wedded husband? To have and hold, love, and cherish, in sickness and health- with half his liver-, 'til death do you part."

Chris laughed herself and placed the gold ring Tan had given her on Street's hand.

"I do."

Hondo shrugged his shoulders. "I think this was the easiest thing I've done for 20 Squad."

A laugh later, Hondo finished his role.

"By the power vested in me, through the online ministry test I took while in lockdown boredom, and the state of California, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Now y'all go ahead and kiss but remember all of your bosses are here." 

Chris laughed at Hondo's remark and stepped forward to kiss Jim with as much love as she had three months ago before leaving for Germany.

As they pulled apart, Hondo leaned down and asked what to announce them as.

"We're still just Chris and Street," Jim exclaimed as he picked his new wife up in a hug.


[written 7.20.2021 - edited 9.15.2021 + 3.31.2022]

(Formerly "BBQs and Elopements")

Y'all kept asking for a wedding, and I don't see them having a big traditional one, so here's my take on a Stris wedding. Sorry for being MIA for a few weeks; I've had some life stuff I needed to handle. I'm excited to write for a few more weeks before I go off to college. Let me know in the comments what kind of wedding you think these two would have! I'm curious. See y'all soon. <3 -Sharna

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