[Stris] "Friends Become Family"

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Enjoy a mostly canon take of Luca watching our two idiots falling in love over the years, AKA "friend become family," as Luca himself would say.


Luca wasn't sure when it all happened. When brushed off moments turned into a love story. What he did know was that watching Street fall in love was familiar. But watching Chris fall in love? It was simply magical.

Christina Alonso had the toughest exterior of anyone he had ever met. And rightfully so, as the first woman on SWAT. Luca had watched Chris fight her way in, quite literally shattering a glass ceiling on the way, and continued to watch her fight every day. 

Jim Street was definitely the most stubborn man he had ever encountered- and maybe the most broken too. 

They were two broken people who always seemed to find their way to one another, like separated puzzle pieces that could only be complete together.

Hindsight was twenty-twenty for Luca. As he reflected back, they were bound to fall in love all along. But from his own eyes, Germany changed everything.

But back to the beginning first.

That "WHO?" was quite amusing for Luca to remember. Admittedly, the woman had never liked change, and who could blame her with a list of people who scorned her a mile long? It was evident, though, not a few days later, that Street was just different.

The look of admiration and yet still confusion on Chris' face after she told him about Street giving his watch to the young boy they had been assigned to guard was something he never forgot. 

Luca had never shared that information with anyone, not even Street himself. 

Chris had a soft spot for him after that.

And then, of course, Street had to go fuck that up by being his mom's vigilante. He had grown a lot knowing Chris, but not enough yet.

She was pissed. In all his years of knowing Christina Alonso, Luca had never seen her so livid. But what the others seemed not to notice was the undertone of sadness and disappointment. Luca noticed and filed the information away, too scared to bring it up to the younger woman. She could kill him with her bare hands if she wanted to, and he knew it; the others would probably help her hide his body, too, because she was just that charming.

Every day with Street back on patrol seemed to be agonizing for her. She was the moodiest mix of disappointed mom and pissed dad that Luca had ever witnessed. 

And then the tides changed. She was a woman on a mission—a mission to get Street back. Luca wasn't sure there was much Chris wasn't willing to risk to get Street back on 20-squad.

He should have known then, but again, hindsight is twenty-twenty. Chris is methodical at her best and reasonable at her worst. But not this, Chris. She seemed driven by sheer will and maybe a little bit of insanity.

She succeeded. Of course, she did. Chris didn't fail at anything. And all Luca had to say to Street was, "You better be damn glad you had her on your side, or your ass would've never seen the inside of this building again."

Maybe that was discrediting Street a little here. He did his part to earn his way back to 20-squad, but the invitation to try would've never arrived without Chris practically writing, sending, and delivering it herself. Luca still loved him, even at his worst.

Those were the days when happiness filled their house. Chris was there all the time. She and Street were watching some baking show, showing off their cooking skills to one another, playing some silly board games, or even playing basketball with the neighborhood kids. Luca could remember very few days during this time when their laughter didn't echo for hours.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2022 ⏰

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