02- New Friends

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The Bad Batch and Ryki had reached a deal. In exchange for her joining their crew, they'd provide her with security and a place to stay. "Alright," Hunter said standing up, "Let's get going." 

A chuckle escaped Ryki "Woah there. We're not in a rush, are we?". The boys exchanged glances, "Not exactly...," Hunter replied. "Awesome, cause I was actually hoping you guys would like to stay for dinner?"  

"You, want to eat with us?" Tech asked with surprise on behalf of his baffled team. Ryki quirked her eyebrows and nodded, "Why not?" She pointed to the small bond fire near her garden: "Plus, I kinda already have some stew over the fire, and waste not, you know. Also, I'm sure your daughter would want something to eat." 

"Daughter!?" The four exclaimed, suddenly their eyes were wandering everywhere else rather than looking at Ryki, she laughed at their sudden shyness. Hunter cleared his throat, walking himself to the door "I'll go get her." then he paused, "Oh, and she's not technically our daughter-" 

"Whatever you say, Sarge, just wake her up already. Dinner is almost ready." Ryki mock saluted Hunter, then turned to Tech, Echo and Wrecker. "Now, I suppose you guys could help me pack some stuff up?" 


'Daughter', Hunter thought in his silent walk to the ship. Though it's only been a short while since he's gotten to know Omega, he had to admit that the young girl had somehow wormed her way to his heart and into the hearts of the rest of the Batch. Wrecker even made her, her own room. Deep down, Omega meant a lot to him and he would protect her. He did what Omega thought of her new family. 'Family', the Sargent sighed, he approached Omega's room and knocked on her room's wall. "Omega?" 

It was quiet for a while until he heard a sleepy groan from the room. Hunter chuckled, 'she sure loves to sleep in her own room'. Climbing up the ladder, Hunter poked his head through the curtains. Omega was curled up in her blankets as she clutched Lula, deep in slumber. She looked so peaceful, Hunter almost didn't want to wake her up, "Hey, kid. Dinner time." Sleepily rubbing her eyes, Omega sat up with messy hair. "Where are we?", she asked noticing the lack of engine sound from the Marauder. 

"Still on Ord Mantell. We had to stop to make a new, uhm, friend." 

"Friend?! Dinner!"

Hunter was still hesitant to call Ryki a friend, but they were in a desperate situation. Besides, he didn't sense anything of malice from the Mirialan, not yet at least. Hunter forced a smile and soon enough, Omega was motivated to run out of her room eager to see this new 'friend' of theirs.


"Wrecker, Echo, catch that droid!" 

Three Bad Batchers were chasing around Ryki's malfunctioning hybrid droid, B7. She asked if Tech could check him up, he agreed, but the spherical droid had a personality of its own and started to roll around the house, running away from Tech. 

"Got him!" Wrecker managed to corner B7 against the wall, Echo revving his robotic hand intimidatingly. While B7 was distracted, Tech jumped on the droid and finally got a hold of him. With a few tweaks here and there and some rather harsh language from B7, Tech managed to do some rewiring and fixed the stubborn droid. B7 complained in binary and rolled away angrily, Ryki sighed. "Thanks for fixing him up, and uh, sorry for his words. B7's got a personality." Offering a hand to Tech, she pulled him up on his feet. "No problem," He nodded. 

"What type of droid is that anyway?" 

Ryki shrugged, "Honestly, I have no idea. I found him wandering around in Black Spire, the next thing I knew he followed me around like a lost pet." She explained to Echo, cringing soon after when she heard some questionable beeps and chirps from her droid. "Oh, and thanks for the help Echo, Wrecker." 

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