14 - Unknown Problems

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-Uninhabited asteroid, Ryloth System-

"So who are we delivering to exactly?" Ryki squeezed between the boys, peering out at the vessel that stood just opposite them. "It must have slipped Cid's mind, again" Tech quipped. Three twileks waited patiently for the Bad Batch to deliver their supplies.

"Are you Gobi? Cid sent us." Hunter asked, Ryki gasped.

"Wait, Gobi?!"

Peeking out from behind Hunter she found an equally surprised blue male twilek looking back at her. "Well, if it isn't Miss Taala. I thought I recognized your voice." Ryki laughed wholeheartedly and quickly ran forwards to shake the male's hand, "Gobi Glie, I thought my last visit to Ryloth would be the last I ever saw of you."

Gobi chuckled, "I think the Rylothian gods decided on keeping our friendship intact." Ryki nodded and turned towards the female beside him, who she quickly found out was named Serin. Two were reminiscing of old times when a cough suddenly interrupted them.

Hunter walked closer to the two, leaning closer to Ryki's side, "You two know each other?" Ryki hummed and nodded, "Oh yeah. We met long ago on Ryloth because of some political issues I had to settle. Between the senator and the freedom fighters, right?" Gobi nodded, "Your friend here has a way with words." Ryki snickered.

"Uncle Gobi! I got the credits! I got the- Woah, RYKI?"

Said mirialan perked at the high pitched squeal, "HERA!" The younger twilek leapt into Ryki's arms. Giggling, the mirialan spun them around. "Look at you. You were a lot younger and smaller since the last time I saw you, and you look so pretty." Hera beamed and smiled proudly.

"She's is a lot more reckless too," Serin added with a smile. Sadly, Gobi requested for the transaction to be completed as fast as possible, cutting short the reunion between the girls. Hera looked past Ryki's shoulder and saw the Havoc marauder in all its glory, "Woah. That is the most amazing ship I have ever seen,"

Ryki pressed herself closer to Hunter while the latter watched Hera's eyes fill with wonder, "May I?" Hera pointed towards the ship and hopefully turned back to meet Ryki's eyes. Shrugging, she turned towards Hunter with a smile, "Your call, Sargeant." With a nod of approval, Hera tugged on Ryki's hand and dragged her towards the shuttle, where another young girl stood.

The mirialan hopped behind the young clone, giving her a side hug. "Omega, Hera. Hera, Omega." thus a new friendship was born.


Within the confines of her small room, Ryki continued her tinkering on new medicine after Tech generously provided her with a list of new herbal combinations to try out. Eyebrows furrowed when two knocks landed on her door. "Come in,"

Peeping into her room, Hunter quietly came in with a packet of rations and a cup of caff. "You missed dinner, again" He gently chided. Hesitantly, the woman put her work aside and softly apologized. She patted her bed and gestured for Hunter to sit then took the rations and the caff, nodding in thanks, "You and the others eaten yet?"

Hunter nodded then smiled knowingly, "Don't worry. Omega ate too."

"Have you been sleeping much?" Hunter asked, already knowing the truth. Since Coruscant, Ryki had been getting nightmares, probably because of the dark memories caused by the Umbaran slaver. On top of that, she hadn't been eating much. Dark circles slowly appeared around her eyes giving the skin there a darker green tone compared to the rest of her face. Lazily sipping on the drink, Ryki provided a pitiful smile in return, "You know why. The dreams, they don't go away."

The sergeant huddled closer to her, "Want to talk about it?". Ryki nodded, "I see Ve- I don't even want to say his name but I keep seeing him torturing me. Sometimes I see Omega in chains..." Drifting off, she contemplated on what to say next, "There is something new, though."

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