12 - Take A Break

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A/N: sorry I had to---Take a break, run with us away for the summer, let's go up state--.... HAMILTON FAM!

Raxus, Separatist homeworld. With the transformation of the Republic to the newly declared Empire, many planets including former Republic planets were slowly being taken over by the new tyrant. Sidious played both sides of the Clone Wars and now he leads the galaxy into chaos with Vader by his side.

Senator Avi Singh served in the Senate of the Confederacy of Independent System now stood in front of his people. Displeased shouts called upon the senator, the people not showing any gratitude to the Empire's sudden occupation of their planet. 

Captain Bragg lead the overseeing of Raxus Secundus' transition towards leaning into the Empire. Just like most Imperial officers, Bragg was determined to get the senator to ensure Raxus' safe transition. "The Empire is not your enemy" she began. "We promise to treat all planets of the Confederacy of Independent Systems fairly." The people murmured amongst themselves. Gossip and theories flew around like wildfire. 

"All we asked in exchange, was for your loyalty. Yet that has not been forthcoming here on Raxus." Senator Singh fiddled nervously with his hands as his consciousness told him that dealing with the Empire was just signing a death certificate. 

"I can't go through with this." He whispered to his helper droid. 

"Senator, this is your only option," GS-8 replied.

"This is what it's come to, I must be a puppet for the Empire." 

GS-8 warned her told time master, "If you do not comply with their request you would be arrested like the other senators, or, worse." 

They listened on as Bragg suggested Raxus be put into a mandatory curfew for the people's protection. Though the people and Singh knew this to be an effort to curb rioting and protests. The less noise the Separatist homeworld made, the more inclined the other planets would be to join the Empire. They just had to shut the mouths of certain high influencing individuals.

Raxus' citizens shouts began to grow louder as the Imperial plotted their fate. "Such measures were approved by your esteemed senator, Avi Singh, who would like to say a few words about the importance of cooperation as we build a unified galaxy." 

Bragg gestured to the senator to take the stage. Singh quickly warned GS-8 to follow a set of instructions he had given her before, to the letter. The senator already made up his mind that he would not bow down to the empire. His duty was to his people and if it means him becoming a martyr, he would do with pride. 

The crowd began to cheer as their leader took place in front. "Fellow citizens, I implore you to embrace these new laws. Under the Empire, Raxus will flourish once more." Lies, he thought. "And as your senator, I promise I'm...I promise to you..." The disheartened tone of his voice brought frowns on the citizens of Raxus. He knew the Empire would kill him if he openly defied them. If not him, they'd oppress the people. 

Then again, if no one is brave enough to stand up to the Empire, who will? 

Singh held his ground, "No, this is wrong."

"I-It is my duty to act in your best interest." His courage fueled the people, "And it is why I no longer condone this unjust occupation!" The crowd roared and cheered on the senator. Agreeing that the Empire would not take their freedom. "They will not oppress us, they will not scare us!" 

Roaring cheers filled the skies as the people began to push back against the troops below. Up on the stage, the Senator was arrested. Singh continued to defy the Empire and felt pride bloom in his chest. GS-8 realized the plan and quietly walked away from the stage. 

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