24 - Anticipation

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The Whills stood at a cliffs edge, looking down to the green forest below. The sky, filled with dancing aurora's. Blues and greens, reds too, reflected of green eyes. Stongs winds picked up as the grey storm clouds rolled in bearing thunder and lightning.  Defeaning to ears and echoing the drums of a beating heart. Floating mountians dotted with ever changing flora, as they constantly shifted between death and life, just as Sun and Moon brought day and night. A mirialan watched the odd beings of light and dark, and both, all glow in unison as they reflected the ever changing environment around them.

"Compasion..."the Whills bellowed like great thunder.

"Love..." their voices flowed like honey.

"Fear..." the Whills spoke in a voice of sadness.

"Know this, what is loved, what is of compasion and what is of fear...dies" never before had the young Force sensitive heard of, or seen for that matter, these creatures.

The eternal beings parted to reveal a shadowed figure standing at the cliffs edge, beyond Ryki's reach. A man stood with slouched shoulders. Defeat and sadness rolled of him in great waves. Something about him felt odly familiar, maybe his scent or the taste of his lips.

Hunter turned around to meet Ryki's eyes. Her breath caught in her throat as she took in hi tattered form. He looked like he had just fell from a great height. Hair dishevelled, fresh scars on his handsome face. 

"What happened to you?"

Ryki tried to reach for him but strong arms held her back. The Whills gathered around her, masked like faces turned to face Ryki. "No power in the galaxy may change!"

Their command rang through Ryki's bones and into the smallest of cells, embedding themselves in her mind. 

"You cannot change the inevitable"

Blaster fire began to pick up making Ryki unconciously sheild herself. To her surprise, the blaster shots passed through her body and left trails of stardust as they passed through. "Hunter!"

The Marauder came to view hovering inches away from the cliffside. A woman reached out desparately. 

"Take my hand! Hunter, take my hand!" Ryki watched her ownself call out to Hunter. Time slowed down but the dreaded feeling surged up like bile in her throat. She knew. She just knew, that Hunter would fall like a injured bird. 

"No! Hunter, no!"

Breaking free from the Whills' grip, Ryki launched herself to grab hold of her lover. It was all for not because the Whills surrounded her in an instant. Their ghostly bodies began to circle her, throwing taunts and spiteful words and Ryki's direction. They told her that any efforts to save her dear lover would be fruitless. Ryki didn't care and neither did she give a damn about the power of the Whills. Electricity surged through her body when she tried to reach beyond her ghostly cage. 

One last time, Hunter turned to look as his lover. "Don't fret, my love." Hunter jumped of the cliff side. Fingers just missed my millimeters and gravity pulled him down. A piercing cry left Ryki when he plummeted to his supposed death and the world tilted, throwing everthing unbound and bound to gravity crashed into themselve. Whills screamed and dispersed, Ryki fell into an abyss. Rain began to pour down like those in the storms of Kamino. A great sea opened up way down below, its large waves now illuminated by lightning. 

Hunter's body was a few meters from hers. They fell through a cloud and emerging on the other side was... Omega. 

"Help me!"

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