05 - Terror

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Braca was a desolate rusting and rotting planet, its surface littered with the carcass' of venators and Jedi cruisers. Ryki leaned on Tech's chair, peering out the window with the rest of the Batchers as they grew closer to the junk planet. 

"We're visiting a rusty planet to remove your chips." Ryki pursed her lips. "Not to be discouraging but that isn't actually a sterile facility to get a minor surgery." Echo swivelled on his chair and turned his attention to the mirialan, "We don't exactly have the luxury to return to Kamino or visit and medical centers, so this is all we're getting." Ryki grimaced but she figured he made a valid point, after all, they were living under the shadows of the empire as wanted people. As Tech began the landing sequence, Ryki retreated from the cockpit where Wrecker was currently at. 

"You good big guy?" The gentle giant momentarily released his death grip on his head, "Yeah, yeah. I'm good." Ryki nodded her head tentatively, Wrecker's constant moans of pain only made her wonder more about these inhibitor chips and the extent of damage they did on the clones. "We'll get you fixed up soon enough. Hang in there Wreck." She patted his shoulder. 


Rex treated the Bad Batch the moment they landed on a dead cruiser, the surrounding rusty remains of the other ships provided them cover from prying eyes. Rex lead them to a specific venator class cruiser where they could start removing the inhibitor chips. The captain led the front of the group along with Wrecker, Omega and Tech. Ryki hung back with Hunter and Tech. 

"What is it?" Tech asked when Hunter suddenly paused to glare at the water that pooled around the cruiser graveyard menacingly. Ryki stood by the two, watching as the surface of the green water shifted. Probably by the cruisers slowly sinking into the ground, she thought. "Stay above the waterline." Hunter warned the two, Tech walked ahead and Hunter lightly urged Ryki to follow by pressing on the small of her back, her green eyes scanning the green liquid. 


After Wrecker was nearly devoured whole by an aquatic creature that lurked beneath the green water, the Batchers finally reached the medical facility. Tech began to look around the dark room, watching as a womprat like creature scurried into the venators walls. "I would no longer call this medical bay a sterile environment." 

"Do you prefer to use the facility on Kamino?" Rex countered with a hint of amusement in his voice. Echo lightly tapped on Ryki's shoulder, "Deja Vu." 

The boys settled in, placing their items on the floor while Ryki, Tech and Echo began to set up the medical bay. Echo managed to get some power back online for the procedure and Tech prepped the equipment. "Take it easy Wrecker." The demolition expert slowly sat on the medical bed, his headache seemed to worsen by the minute. While tending to Wrecker, Ryki overheard the youngest clone worrying over Wrecker. The thought of Omega doing so was touching and heartwarming, it brought a smile to Ryki's face. 

"Ryki, if something goes wrong please keep Omega and yourself away from me." Wrecker placed his hands on Ryki's, stopping her from work a little while. The mirialan felt her heart drop. "I don't want to hurt the kid, and you are a good friend. Can't hurt you too." 

"You'll do just fine Wrecker. Don't think that way, and I know you wouldn't hurt Omega, Rex, your brother's and even me." She held Wrecker's hands, attempting to calm him down. The demolition expert was still frightened but cheered up a little by Ryki's encouragement. Tech joined the two, "Thank you Ryki. Wrecker, let's get this chip out of you." 

Hunter and Rex stood side by side, watching over the group. "Wrecker's condition is getting worse." Ryki pointed out as she approached the clones. "How terrible is the extent of these chips?" Rex's shoulders fell slightly as memories of Order 66 began to flood back to him. "Let's just say, no one deserves to even experience it." 

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