25 - Square One

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The Marauder made berth in Cid's hangar, the atmosphere was unusually quiet. No joyous laughter filled the room, no brotherly bantering, no love. Hunter's unplanned absence was eating away at everyone's minds. 

Omega had chosen to withdraw to her room clearly showing her resurfaced distaste towards the others for leaving Hunter behind. She wanted the others to chase after the Imperial ship that stole their leader. Ryki tried to follow her instincts and sought to provide Omega with motherly comfort but the young female clone is too stubborn to listen to reason, much like the apparent person who was missing from the family. 

"Give her some time. She'll come around," shoulders sagging, Ryki hummed sadly and agreed with Tech. "How long till we get any information about your brother?" her voice stoic but Tech could see through her facade. "Not long. We need to refuel at the hangar, the rear engines need a little fixing and we still need to plan to get our fearless leader back from the Empire," he concluded. The mirialan nodded tiredly. "Ryki, you should get some rest. We had a long day, and I cannot let you continue to function in this condition," Tech said while pointing out his companion's tired form. She managed a small laugh, "You just gestured to all of me, and did you think I'd let you guys do all the heavy lifting? No, I don't think so. I'm not going to mope around and not try to solve our current predicament and-"

The clone sassily rolled his eyes, "Ry, I'm not saying you didn't do anything. You provided Omega with comfort and since we left Daro, you did not stop helping my brothers and me to find Hunter. Not to mention you outright refused to let me check you for injuries and to make matters worse you refused to eat anything!" 

"Look, if you can go without eating for a day, so can I. I'm a woman and I'm not fragile and neither am I weak," she retorted. "I did NOT say that"

Ryki shrugged her shoulders, "I'm not saying you did, I am merely stating a fact." Making her statement clear she tried to walk away from Tech but he caught her upper arm and turned her towards him. "OK, look. I know you're strong, smart, witty, and definitely caring but do you really think this is going to help us get back Hunter any faster?" Ryki swallowed a growing lump forming in her throat and tried to pry herself from Tech, but he didn't let her. "The only way we can achieve our goal is if all of us are in prime condition. We need you in prime condition, Omega needs you in prime condition, and so does Hunter. Do you really think he'd want to see you doing this to yourself? He- He..." 

Tech gently released Ryki bringing his fingers to pinch between his brows. She did not notice the tears slowly filling her eyes but saw the tears filling Tech's. "Look, ", he said pointedly, "Hunter would want any of us to sit and frown. He's done all he can for his family, for you, and Omega. He'd want you both to be safe," Ryki listened carefully, already noticing the gleam of hope in Tech's eyes. "... and he'd better believe that we're all going to risk our lives and get him, and Crosshair back."

The mirialan felt the spark slowly being fanned to a flame. Sure enough, the Empire plans to trap them. Hunter was just one piece of the puzzle, the grand prize is the Bad Batch itself. All seven members of the team. Ryki finally managed a small smile, "Hmm, I like the way you think, though we would need a strong dose of tranquilizer for Crosshair, in case he proves stubborn to join us. As for Hunter, I'll be strong and I won't stop helping all of us get our leader back." 


Later that evening, the Batch had received a surprise. "Hunter's comm device? It's a trap," Wrecker said surely. "Indeed, they are trying to lure us in. They'll keep Hunter alive, they know we're coming for him," Tech added. As the adult members of the team began to bicker and plan the ultimate dual-rescue, Omega trotted in unnoticed and saw the blinking lights on Hunter's comm. Her gasp drew the entire attention of the others. "Hunter? He's okay? " the boys and Ryki glanced at one another, the former happy that Omega finally chose to socialize but also slightly comprehensive as to be the one to break the news. "We are getting him back, kid. Don't ya' worry about it," Wrecker smiled reassuringly. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2022 ⏰

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