23 - Heavy Heart

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Hunter's consistent tapping of feet echoed through out the interior of the Marauder, making Tech hiss in frustration as he tried to weld a metal piece to his 'light bomb'. 

Tap tap tap

"Stop it"

Hunter jolted up as Tech's light scolding, muttering a quick sorry under his breath. Tech nodded but the sergeant's tapping continued a few seconds later. Something was eating him up and it was obvious to Tech that the absence of the only two females of the Bad Batch. Tech finally relented, "What is it?" He knew best how to get his brother to speak his mind. 

Hunter deflected the question, saying he was worried for Wrecker. That of course was true, but it was not the whole truth. His mind was largely being occupied by his worry over Omega and Ryki. His, dear Ryki. Lots of what if scenarios rang through his mind. What if Omega got hurt? What if Omega tried to fight back? What if Durand managed to deal Ryki of in a trade? What would he do then? Why didn't Hunter just admit that he loved her? What if it was too late and something happens to Ryki?

"Stop deflecting." Tech said, dropping his work t give Hunter a stern look. "Your worried"

Hunter puffed his cheeks, "About Wrecker? Who isn't?"

"Yes, and no. Your also worried about Omega and your girlfriend."

Hunter's brow twitched with frustration "She's not-I'm, never mind. Fine, yes. YES. I am worried about them." Tech threw a winning smirk.

"Don't act like your not worried about them too. Omega's your sister and Ryki is like the best friend you've never had." 

Shrugging, Tech continued to tinker a little "I am worried. But I also know they are smart ladies. Put together they make a formidable team that is at most times, severely underestimated."

"Your point, Tech?"

Tech rolled his eyes, "My point is, that I am not over worried about them like you are."

The sergeant recoiled at this somewhat true statement, "I am not overly worried."

"Yes, you are." Tech gave a defiant reply. "It's obvious. You have an attachment to Omega because she is your, our, sister. You also have a attachment to Ryki. Not sisterly but in an admirable way. You like her, more than friends do."

There was a beat of silence, like how a prey had spot a predator. Hunter's emotions were hay wire. Like? LIKE? It's not that simple. I don't just "like" her, I love  her. Then a gasp was heard.

"You love her?" Tech's eyes were blown wide behind his goggles. Hunter froze, shoulders tucking into his body as if to hide himself. 

"Karking hells. Did I-"

"Oh, yes you did."

Sighing, Hunter ran his hands over his face in attempts to hide his redden cheeks. "You heard nothing"

"Come on, Hunter. You can't just deny this." Tech scoffed at his brother's defiance to his own feelings about the mirialan. 

"No. I can't tell her. Not yet."

"Why not?"

Hunter shook his head, "You really think she's going to want to spend her life with me?" Tech sat silently, dedicating his ears to Hunter. "I'm a clone, Tech. A soldier who has no use anymore. I age faster, I am a mutated being. How can she love me when she's so perfect and wonderful? How can I tell her that I love her when I cannot give her the universe and everything in it that she deserves, huh?" 

Once the older brother had cooled down, Tech gave him a piece of advice. "I may not be an expert in love, but I can tell you that she would most definitely reciprocate your feelings. Have you seen the way she looks at you?"

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