03- Stranger Danger

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Unfortunate events have been a trend lately. The Bad Batch was about to leave Ord Mantell when they received an incoming transmission. Turns out, Cid had some important deal to share with the renegade clones. They were needed to retrieve a head of a tactical droid from a decomissioning centre on Corellia for one of Cid's buyers. Hunter was reluctant to work but the trandoshan had her own methods of persuasion. 'You make money, I make money' Ryki specifically remembered. Cid offered to keep an eye on their backs if the Bad Batch worked for her. That's how they found themselves in a messy wild Jawa chase, and it started with two sisters.

Anger surges from the depths of Ryki's heart. She clecnhed her fists tightly and pulled Omega to stand slightly behind her, the mystery worket being held at arrow point by Omega. The worker infront of her sounded very familiar, enough to put Ryki on edge. The worker had already opened her mask and her face, all while her eyes strained almost guiltyly at the mirialan. "You," Ryki growled. 

"Rafa, I've got the target. Where are you?" Ryki recognized Trace's voice over the comm.

Omega threatened her not to pick it up. Ryki snickered sinisterly "You better listen to the girl." 

"Her arms looking a little shaky there, Ryki." The mirialan igroned Rafa's remark, instead arming herself with a blaster;courtesy of Tech, and pointed it to where Rafa stood. "What, no hello for me?" Rafa asked.

Wordlessly, Ryki took another protective step ahead of Omega. Seeing both Omega and Ryki not relenting their weapons, Rafa surrendered. "Why don't you both ease up on your things and we can talk about this?" Ryki was too smart to trust Rafa, not after what she pulled on Coruscant. In that short moment of Omega lowering her weapon, Rafa quickly made a jump at the two. Roughly elbowing Ryki in the stomach then lunging at Omega, restraining both of her hands. Omega began to push back on Rafa's hold, struggling to get a grip on her bow. Ryki recovered from Rafa's jab and jumped on her back, tyring to pry her off Omega. The wrestle caused Omega to accidentaly release a shot, tearing into the decomissioning machinery. The three females watched as steam burst of the hole no doubt already alerting the nearby personell. 

Within moments the security breach alarm went off, and some nerf-herding worker put the whole centre under lockdown. Ryki jumped of Rafa's back and went to Omega's side, checking her over for injuries. "Nice going, kid." Rafa frustratedly accused Omega.

"Her? Your the one who grabbed her bow dimwit!" Ryki angrily defended. More alarms came from an open door, dragging the attention of the ladies. "Great, police droids." Ryki signalled for Omega to stand behind her, she had dropped her bow. Arming herself with her blaster, Rafa prepared for a fight, "Don't just stand there. Grab a weapon." 

Ryki rolled her eyes at Rafa's blindness of the situation and Omega replied tiredly, "I had one." The first few droids began to file in, before the women were about to take a shot the first few droids were taken out by another source of fire, at the same time effectively putting the droids on defense mode. "Get moving!" Wrecker commanded from his survailance. Blaster hots began rain around the three, urging them to run. Rafa abandoned Ryki and Omega to run for cover first. Ducking from several blaster shots, Ryki pushed Omega down and shot back at the droids. "Keep and eye on Rafa and stay low!" she shouted over the shoot out. Meanwhile, Ryki had to make sure Omega was out of blaster range. Her instincts took over and call it luck if you will because Ryki's aim was almost deadly. She effectively shot down several driods and had some narrow missed from the enemies fire. 

She peered down the ladder Omega ran to and joined her soon. "Where's-" 

"Down here!" Ryki and Omega exchanged quick glances before chasing after the new voice. Just ahead, Rafa and already met up with Trace. The sound of incoming footsteps alerted both Martez sisters. Hunter was on Trace's tail so she threw the already accquired tactical droids head to Rafa. Ryki made a mad dash for Rafa and collided with her mid-run. "Give me the head Rafa!", Ryki growled and pulled on Rafa's mask. The latter grunting and trying to push of the mirialan, "Get of me!" In their fight, they didn't realize a police droid waiting for them at the end of the walkway. They could not stop in time and ran right into the droid, the impact knocking off the droids head back into the converbelt below. "YOU NERFHERDER!" Rafa cursed and began to fight Ryki.

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