10 - Far Away

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*Once again, warning to torture and minor sexual assault*

-Day 3, Havoc Marauder, Omicron-class Attack Shuttle-

It's been three days since the Bad Batch set out to Coruscant. Their ship was low on fuel so the use of hyperspace was unavailable due to their money shortage and in their rush to save Ryki. It would take them another full week until they reached Coruscant, as per Tech's calculations.

"Vendi only allows a max of two bodyguards to join in so Bandana and Muscles will follow me during the consultation." She gestured to both Hunter and Wrecker. "Scompy,(Echo) you will disguise as a droid. Vendi likes gifts so I'll send you in as one. He keeps his droids in the security room. There you can disable any recording systems he would have rigged in his bar. Tiny, you stay with Goggles on the ship. Goggles, you do your research thing and let us know if something goes wrong and get a plan ready for us to get Ryki out."

The others nodded. "I've already scrambled our ships signature and prepared our fake identification" Tech swivelled on his chair and passed Hunter, Wrecker and Echo their chain code discs and then returned Omega's. "I've put in fake names and dates of birth for all of us."

Wrecker flipped his disc "So we have fake names. What's mine?"

Tech and Omega shared mischievous smiles, as the girl skipped to his side "Wrecker, you're Percival Hooper, Hunter is Lancelot Du Lac and Echo is Leon Young." 

Hunter's, Wrecker's and Echo's faces morphed into partially disgusted partially confused ones. "What kind of names are those?" Echo asked with distaste. Tech pointed to Omega "She's the one who came up with it." Omega nodded "I watched it on Kamino. A show called...Merlin. He's a wizard." Hunter rolled his eyes, "What's Tech's name?" 

"He is Emrys Merlin." Omega beamed proudly and Tech mirrored her expression, "The main character and genius of the show. Omega is Orlena Se." 

"Finally, a normal name" Cid exclaimed. The others seemed to chuckle in agreement. For a little while, the tenseness of Ryki'd kidnapping was lifted from everybody's consciousness. "Tech are you sure there are no refuelling stations along the way?" 

Tech disappointedly shook his head "Unless you want to run in with pirates and risk more delay, no. We're cutting through a short cut and any more shortcuts would decrease our success of finding Ryki." 

Well, that just had to happen, didn't it? No rest for the Bad Batch, an occupational hazard. 

"Get your head in the game nerf herders!" Cid slapped her hands on the table, pulling the boys from mulling over the mirialan. "I've already set a meeting with Vendi and specifically asked for Ryki's council. He will deliver." 


-Day 3, Maq'derer, Mor Vendi's Bar, Coruscant-

Bruised skin, tired eyes, also known as imperfections in the words of Mor Vendi. Vendi had been nothing but living hell to her. Ryki was worked day and night, serving his low-life scum-bag clients at odd hours and for odd reasons. As the slime ball umbaran had promised, no harm came to her in whatsoever way but the mental torture that had begun to inflict harm on Ryki was worsening by the second. Not to mention the sudden use in the Force is draining her severely.

She splashed her face with some cold water and leaned over the sink. The running water slowly drowning the strong nauseous feeling she constantly felt. Ryki began to question how she managed to live to work for Vendi before her escape. Every day was the same routine, wake up, dress up, and consult. She had a taste of freedom for a while and finally became acclimated to a leisure life of medicine making and with a blink of an eye, it was taken away. 

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