15 - Plan, Syndulla

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-The Capitol, Ryloth, Ryloth System-

Laying belly down, the Bad Batch spied on the Imperial force below with their binocs. The Capitol square was filled with unhappy citizens, demanding for Cham's release, muttering curses toward the Empire under their breaths. The Imperial, Admiral Rampart, began to address the twilek community, calling Cham and assassin for Orn Free Taa's murder, all the while hiding the real truths behind the story he, the Empire, chose to fabricate.

"Assassination attempt?" The sergeant was ready reconsidering the rescue mission, not wanting to take part in any dirty business. "That's not what happened," The twilek took offence and defended. 

Omega called out to the sergeant, "Hunter, Crosshair's here." 

Wrecker grumbled from beside the mirialan, "Great. Just what we needed." Ryki replayed the name in her mind. It only came up a few times amongst the brothers. Clearly, it was a sensitive topic. She was yet to meet the fifth former member of the Bad Batch. Hunter gestured for the team, including Ryki to a meeting circle. Hera and Omega remained to watch over the Capitol. 

"The plasma bridge into the city's been deactivated." the sergeant informed. "Well, I say we fly in and blow our way out," Wrecker told his brother.Ryki listened quietly, absorbing the way the boys planned. "The Capitol scanners would detect our ship." 

"Would it be possible to hijack one of their own?" Ryki tried.

"Not an ideal plan." Tech corrected, "The troop presence here is similar to that of Raxus. This is a military occupation." While Ryki didn't really know what went down on Raxus, she knew a little thing or two about Ryloth. "Hmm, by Ryloth is not a Separatist planet." Echo nodded in agreement. 

"Exactly my point. This occupation here is forced." Tech went on to explain about the occupation. Hunter interrupted them, asking the group to stay put. Curiously, Ryki's eyes followed the sergeant. He disappeared behind some rocks. A moment later a loud crashing made Ryki jump out of her skin as a probe droid landed with a thud just nearby. Hunter smoothly landed on top of it, yanking his embedded vibro-blade that was wedged in the droids eye. 

Echo chuckled and helped Ryki up, "Never seen a probe droid before?" Ryki hummed, face contorting in disgust at the droids many spidery like arms, "Looks terrifying. They had to make it look like a flying spider." 

"Oh, good. A probe droid." Tech's voice dripped with sarcasm. Hera and Omega collected by Ryki's side. "The Empire will know we're here," Echo stated with some anger. "And so will Crosshair. Come on, let's move." 


Back at Cham's old base, Hera mourned over her parents. "All my father wanted was peace on Ryloth. Why is this happening?" Hera dug her face into Ryki's waist while she fell into a hug. The mirialan enveloped the girl in her arms to soothe her with Omega joining in, patting Hera's back. 

Watching the girls sadly, Echo reminded guiltily "He's the voice the people stand behind. That makes him a threat to the Empire." 

"I don't care about any of that." Hera turned back to look at them, as angry as she could, "I just want my parents back." 

Tech thread down the Havoc's steps with Chopper chittering behind him. "We're all over the Imperial comm channels. They have increased patrols within the city." The news was not favouring Hera at the moment. Ryki swallowed the lump in her throat, waiting for Hunter's call. 

Crosshair would expect an attack and from their last encounter on Bracca, Ryki knew things would not go down so well. Force willing, Crosshair would not be able to figure out their plans easily. The Syndulla's were good people. Ryki knew that first hand after she met them while accompanying Orn Fre Ta for a 'diplomatic meeting'. Now she could just hope that by some miracle, Hera could reunite with her parents. 

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