13 - Omega's Secret Admirations

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a/n -This chapter is brought to you by chaotic writing, enjoy!-

-Ryki's Hut, Ord Mantel, Bright Jewel System- 

Hunter watched carefully at the sight of Wrecker and the girls giggling. Ryki and Omega were seated on Wrecker's shoulders as the group explored the small forest near Ryki's home. The young clone was ecstatic and giddily pointing around the forest at every new thing she came across, tapping away on Wrecker's shoulder when she wanted him to stop. Tech would be there to explain every single detail about some flora or fauna while Ryki would just lean on Wrecker's head and admire Omega's curiosity. All in all, the scene was most endearing to the sergeant. 

"Nice change from all the running" Echo joined Hunter's pace. 

"It's a good break, for all of us." He agreed with his brother but his eyes were drawn to a particular woman. Hunter noticed how her green skin easily blended in with the forest, how Ryki looked so at home. And her laugh... don't get Hunter started on it because he caught himself breaking into a laugh whenever Ryki did. Not to mention how calming of a presence she has on the group. Echo on the other hand caught on to what was happening and bit back a smirk. 


The sergeant snapped back to reality. Echo waved his good hand in front of his brother's eyes. "W-what is it?" His stammering making Echo chuckle quietly, "I asked about what suddenly caught your attention." Hunter winced and tried not to show it, "Uh, n-nothing. Just, the forest is very pretty." Echo narrowed his eyes, "What, the forest on Ryki's face?", he teased.

Hunter flusteredly looked at Echo, fighting a rising tint of pink that threatened to stain his face. Hunter tried to quietly deny the fact, though it was a little too late since Echo had already caught on, "Look, you like her and find her attractive. Nothing out of the ordinary there." Hunter sighed, "I don't see how anything can happen between us." Echo's previous smile grew into a grin, "I knew it!" 

"Hey, don't start to blab about it okay. I don't need Tech to lecture me about hormones and Wrecker to find out, or worse I don't need Ryki finding out yet." Echo raised his hand in mock surrender, "Okay okay. Tech and Wrecker I get, but what is so bad if Ryki knows. She clearly has the hots for you too." Hunter gasped and shushed Echo, "She wha- Look it doesn't matter." Echo scoffed, "Plus, why should she like me anyways. We've known each other for six months." 

"I would not call worrying about each other, late-night endearing talks and soft touches 'nothing'." Echo stubbornly folded his arms. Hunter was about to retaliate, then again Echo did make sense. The former arc trooper chuckled and patted Hunter on the shoulder, "Just admit it." The sergeant grumbled "Fine..."

Wrecker ceremoniously led the girls to the decorated garden that had been filled with the warm air from the bonfire Echo created. Omega and the mirialan herself sat in the garden's centre, laying happily on a hammock as the boys busied themselves to prepare dinner instead of having Ryki handle it this time. 

"So, you think they can make dinner just as good as yours?" Omega giggled watching the four brothers fussing over what herbs they should use to marinade the fish they caught. Ryki giggled quietly, "I think they'll manage, especially since Tech always helps me with the food." 

Omega sighed and leaned to Ryki's side, snuggling under a blanket. As they settled in, Ryki's eyes drifted to a certain clone with long hair. Smiling to herself, she allowed her eyes to take in the sharp features of the sergeant. Like a lovesick teenager, she wondered how his hair would feel in the palms of her hands or the feeling of his gorgeous jawline. Ryki also found it amusing as to why Hunter was always so adamant about wearing the red bandana. It made the simple piece of cloth all the more iconic and unique about Hunter. The woman could not help but wonder how Hunter would look without the bandana. 

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