22 - Insurance

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The plan to steal spice directly from under Durand's nose had gone terribly wrong. After nearly becoming caught in a blizard of sub-terrestrial bugs, Cid led the group back to her parlour. 

"You're certain this will work? That Roland is going to accept this defeat?" Ryki trained her wary green eyes as they apporached the entrace of the parlour. 

"You worry too much, Greeny." Cid assured again. She grew tired of the mirialan's doubt. "You worry to much." Ryki scoffed from Cid's own lack of worry. 

"I am worried for my welbeing and the clones. Roland isn't someone to simply...toy around."

"Look, I understand you and him have a pass connection,"

Pass connection was putting it lightly since it was more of a mistake. A big mistake on Ryki's end. She let Cid explain her plan though the mirialan did not agree to it one bit. 

"However, you've put your past behind you and he's not going to try anything. Trust me"

Grunting out her frustration, Ryki watched as Cid pushed on ahead. Roland, during her short escape from Coruscant was one of the first people she stupidly put her trust into. Desperation stood firm as the catalyst which drove the two young hearts to meet. 

Roland Durand, in their early days appeared as a charmer when the two met on a dingy street on Ord Mantell. He said some words, flashed some winning smiles and whispered the sweetest things to Ryki. For someone who had not known the proper taste of love and trust, and like any new lover, Ryki fell easily for his trap. 

If only she'd known the other hearts Roland broke and the lives he robbed of freedom.

Taking the innocence of a woman like a play thing was fair game. A muse on a boring winters day. One thing Ryki took pride in herself was not giving away inimate parts of love, freely. He had asked for some nights of passion. Luckily Ryki was smart enough to refuse. Still, time wasted with Roland was never to be gained back. She'd allowed him to 'court' her, wanting not to feel empty inside and hoped to fine even the smallest shred of happiness.

One day, Roland coaxed her into having dinner with him. The evening started out lovely as he showered her with praises no woman could resist. Though has Ryki been smart enough, she would recognize the signs of bitter lies, but it was too late. That night, Roland brought forwards a group of twilek males, binded and gaged her then tried to slave her off for fine credits.

He discovered her as the runaway from Coruscant's underground slave facility, marked property of Morr Vendi. Ryki placed her trust in him foolishly and regretted every ounce of it. Miraculously, she escaped that night, no short of being tormented by enraged twi'lek slave drivers pursuing her relentlessly. She felt like a bird trapped in a cage. Eventually she escaped them, Roland didn't pursue her, but the nightmares and sleepless nights were inevitable. 

Meeting Cid after that nearly promised her a life of a own, free of being owned by other greedy people. 

Busy thinking of her past, she picked at the sore skin by her thumb drawing a tiny crack on tender skin. "Ryki," Hunter's deep voice cut through like a blade, bringing her out of the stun. Hunter noticed the work her fingers did on her own and gently detangled them, only to replace her fingers with his. Innocently lacing their hands together till palm touch palm. "I have a bad feeling about this. Roland can't be trusted."

"We don't really have a choice right now," The sargeant slowed their pace by tugging on her hand as the others filed into the parlour. "Cid is the only thing keeping us alive and away from the Empire and the Bounty Guild. We need to see this through."

Ryki averted her eyes from Hunter's, trying to find some other way to urge him to abandon the mission but he was right. Without Cid they will die, simple as that. Without Cid, Omega would never have a break from the insanity of the galaxy. The tension within her mind reduced from flames to ambers, "Okay, will get this over with"

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