17 - Crash On Felucia

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Dark... miserable... cold... damp

Humming to the buzz of the rain-soaked jungle, Ryki Taala closed her eyes and laid under the night sky The pale moonlight reflected as silver streaks on her wet skin while her hair splayed on the ground. She could not be bothered by the mud and grass that began to cake up in her hair. Straining her body she forced herself up to a seated position. The jumpsuit she'd been wearing clung on her skin, slightly torn in certain areas after running through the woods in a panic. 

The commander...

The commander was after her. Fingers rapidly tapped on a broken comlink. "Hello? Guys? Hunter?" Sparks flew out of the communication device spelling out hopelessness for the mirialan. Just as her breaths finally calmed, a snakey voice threaded itself through the light taps of raindrops. The commander found her. His own form was drenched in rain and the armour seemed to be weighing him down, dragging him into the mud. Ryki took a full sweep of his form, tiredly greeting him in her original tongue, "Tovnit " (Hello). 

Laboured breaths came out scrambled from the modulator of the commander's helmet. "You're under arrest" 

Ryki squinted, craning her neck to properly survey her surroundings, "Where are your people?" She referred to his new squad of TK troopers. A little surge of Force sensitivity told her that the commander was ticked off. She smirked knowingly, "Did I give you a run, Mr Crosshair?" 

Crosshair, the commander, could be heard growling from where he stood. It would have been quite a threatening sight to the mirialan if not for the sticks and leaves and mud that poked out from the joints in his armour. Sludge dripped down his helmet, covering his lenses so he ripped the bucket off and attached it to his hip, then delivered his famous scowl. "Yes. Yes, I did give you a run," She replied her own question, allowing a string of laughs to escape her tired body. Said sniper, aimed his rifle at the woman.

Click, the weapon now readied.  

Ryki cocked a brow, "I know I'm wanted alive, else you would have killed me by now, yes?" she gestured between the two of them. Thunder and lightning struck above the two, casting scary shadows upon Crosshair's face. The night had just fallen

"Look look. We're both tired, yes?" 

Crosshair still stood firm in his place and did not move his rifle off the mirialan. "I take your silence as a yes, so, why not we stop this cat and mouse game and rest," she suggested tiredly. 

"So you can escape? I don't think so"

"Clearly there is nowhere else for me to run. I run, you track me down, the story repeats over and over. We've both lost our people during the run, they can't find us. WE. ARE. LOST." 

Crosshair eyed her warily. It's true what she said. His elite team lost contact with their commander hours ago. He and Ryki were how deep in Felucia's uncharted territories, in other words really lost in the jungle. Their comms were destroyed by the rain and countless times they wrestled each other to the ground, trying to bash each other with sticks and stones. Not to mention the 

His eyes strained through the helmet, blurred by mud. Finally, the rifle lowered and the marksman ripped the helmet off his face. Scowling, Ryki watched the man limp up to her. A pair of binders hit the sloshy ground.

"Cuff yourself." 

"Kriff off" The mirialan shoved the muddy binders into Crosshair's armoured chest and began to track into the fungi jungle. "Where are you going?" The sniper calmly demanded. 

"Find shelter. This jungle is full of bugs that would like to hunt us down for dinner." She could not explain if it was the cold getting to her, or if she accidentally inhaled some wild mushroom spore, "Are you coming, sniper man?"

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