08 - It's Just Good Business

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The bounty hunters guild spread far and wide within the reaches of the galaxy. At almost every shady outpost on every planet, bounty hunters hid amongst the shadows waiting for their next prey. 

-Hosnian Prime, Hosnian System, Core Worlds-

Cantina music played in a dull tune, putting the shabby looking bar in a darker, dimmer mood than the regular bars in the dark alleyways of Hosnian Prime. Unlike the usual cantina business, no locals dared set foot in this particular setting. Was it the food? The smell? Or maybe the particular patrons that regular the fine establishment?

"Gamorrean Ale" a woman dropped several credits on the table, knocking on it twice to alert the half-asleep bartender. "R-right. On the way miss" He quickly busied himself as the woman glanced up to the holo screen. 

Though, it was not your regular show. 

"Listed for Bounty", it read in Galactic Basic, each minute or so the bounties changed from one bounty to another. The woman watched with a keen eye. She was a well-known huntress, pulled off several big-time jobs for some big-time people. Almost a perfect track record under her belt. Almost.

She was currently enjoying her wealth from her latest job but well, a girl's gotta make a living. The huntress searched the bounty list for the top highest bounty. A name appeared and the image of a green-skinned individual buzzed in the holo. 

The bartender placed the drink down beside the huntress. 

"30 000 credits". 

'Impressive'  thought the woman. Swiping up a puck, she scanned the details of her next hunt. The blue image of the holo illuminated her greedy smile. 30 000 could make her richer than she already was. Good money means good business. 

"Here you go" the bartender placed the ale in front of the huntress. Stuffing the puck in her pocket, she downed the ale in one go before leaving a stingy tip on the table. She left for her starfighter and plotted a course to the Bright Jewel System, L-7.

If she only lingered for a little while longer, she could have gotten who bounties at one go.


-Ord Mantell, Bright Jewel System, Mid Rim Territories-

Cid's parlour was always quiet towards the evening. Most of the patrons and guests left early, except for a Weequay and Ithorian who had to be chased out for private business matters the female trandoshan had to settle with a particular clone squad.

"Alright boys, you managed to make... quarter earnings this time." She handed Hunter a handful of credits. Hunter distastefully tossed it in his hands and Ryki peeked over his shoulder. 

"Cid, this doesn't even cover basic necessities." Ryki retaliated, Tech agreed. 

"Oh yeah? Well, maybe next time you'll learn to count all items present before leaving." Cid sneered "I asked for 5 containers of proximity mine tech and you delivered 3. I say what you got was fair pay. Now get outta here before I decide to make matters worse for you." 


'Alright. Alright just close your eyes and focus'

A sharp sound rang from Ryki's left. She quickly fired a countershot to eliminate the first stun blast.


Another stun was shot, this time from her right. Ryki swivelled on her heels and leaned her body hard left, just missing the shot by mere inches. The blindfold did her no justice on physical sight.

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