The cottage on the hill

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I only got a week at home before I headed to Remus's house. Then I spent most of the summer there. My dad and I got to know each other a lot better. He lived in a cottage on a hill and always had chocolate.

He was really nice and funny. I did feel kind of bad that he lived all alone in his cottage. It must be hard to find someone when your, you know, a wear wolf. We spent a lot of time reading and dancing, which we both lived to do.

It made me wonder what my life would have been like if I hadn't got taken away. It would have been so different. I am grateful for my family now and my life was good with them but my mind still wanders. Would I have even become friends with the Weasleys or Lee?

I can't even imagine marine a world without the twins and Lee. It would be boring and dull but I wouldn't have gotten in trouble so much.

Remus talked about his old friends a lot. He said I reminded me of Sirius black. At first I was offended because he was one of the most wanted wizards ever but Remus told me the truth, that it wasn't Sirius who did it. So I took it as a compliment.

He would talk about there adventures and all the trouble they got it. He even told me that they made the marauders map and I told him about how the twins, Lee, and I used it all the time when we were younger. That mad him smile.

He was easy to talk to and seemed to understand me. It didn't take us long to be close because of that. Anyone could tell he really was my father.

We sat at the small table in the bay window eating chocolate and talking. "So your dating one of the Wesley twins?" He asked. "Yeah, Fred." I replied. "Ah I'm familiar with that family. They have the brother that's hungry all the time correct?" He asked. "Yeah that's Ron Harry potters friend." I said.

Whenever we talked about Harry Potter Remus seemed to try and change the conversation. "Yeah. Do you have many other friends, besides the Weasleys and Lee obviously." He asked. "Two, Hazel and Jordan." I said. "Oh. They seem like nice girls." He said, thinking back to when he taught at the school.

"They are. Well Hazel is. Jordan can be blunt sometimes but we love her anyway." I said. "Of course." He said. "You must really miss them." He added. "I do." I said. "Well why don't you go visit them for a weekend? I'm going to be gone this weekend meeting with some friends so you would be home alone anyway and Molly already agreed to let you stay there." He said.

"That would actually be great." I said. I wanted to spend as much of the summer as I could with my dad because this was the last one of freedom. After this it's school and then I have to start a job and figure out what I'm going to do with my life. But since he's going to be gone anyway might as well go visit my friends.

"Yeah. I'm sure you miss them a lot." He said. "I do. I think I'll go send them a letter right now then." I said. "Sounds like a great idea." He replied. I got up and walked to my room.

I have been writing everyone all summer at least once a week. I had gotten a few letters yesterday but forgot to open them so they still laid on my desk. I sat down and began to open them. The first one was from George.

Hey Y/N.
Please write to your boyfriend more. He won't stop talking about how much he misses you and it's getting annoying. Mum says there always room for you here if yo I ever want to visit. I think she's sick of hearing Fred mope around too. How Lupin? Is your whole diet just chocolate now? We all miss you here.

Then I opened one from Jordan.

Great Godric I miss you so much. I wish we could hang out this summer but I know your with your dad. Is he boring? Like what do you do all day? I bet he's no where near as fun as us. I can't wait for 8th year and to see you and everyone again. Don't eat too much chocolate! I love you

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