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"Honey, hurry up, Lee's here." I heard my mom call from downstairs. I finished putting the last of my things in my trunk, closed it and headed downstairs. My parents and my little brother Kai were sitting down eating pancakes.

Lee was setting his trunk on the couch in the living room. Lee and I sat down at the table and started eating. "So, are you two exited?" Asked my mom.

Lee is my cousin, he lives right down the road from us so we always have breakfast and go to the train together on the first day of school. We were going into our 5th year at Hogwarts.

"Yeah, I'm exited to see my friends." I said. Lee only nodded his head to agree, he too was busy shoveling pancakes in his mouth to get a word out.

When we finished eating lee and I grabbed our stuff, eager to get out the door. My dad hugged me tight and said "Good luck, Have fun, and don't get into too much trouble. I love you." "I love you too dad." I said as he kissed me on the head.

"You, watch out for her." My dad said to Lee as he hugged him. "I always do." Said lee. "I want to go too." Whined Kai, he was only 5 so he couldn't go to Hogwarts for another 6 years, by then I would be long graduated. "I wish you could too. I'm gonna miss you little man." I said picking him up and spinning him in the air.

We all said Goodbye as my dad and Kai got in his car and My mom, Lee, and I got in hers. I always miss my family, especially Kai because every time I get back he looks different then when I last saw him.

We got to the train station and we ran through platform 9 3/4. We hugged my mom, said goodbye and ran onto the train. I saw my friends, Hazel and Jordan in a compartment. I opened the door and was practically tackled by them. I was so happy to see them again.

We all sat down and talked about our summers. Lee and I had hung out all summer so on the train he would sit with his guy friends and I would sit with my girl friends. We were all close but there was only enough room for 4 people in each compartment.

I told my friends how Lee had gotten a pool in his back yard and how awesome it was to go swimming everyday.

Hazel told us about her summer which mostly consisted of reading books and going to the library.

Jordan told us about her summer fling she had with a muggle boy in her neighborhood named Jamal.

All the sudden the train jerked to a halt. The lights flickered off and it got strangely cold. We looked at each other scared out of our minds.

We all noticed something creeping up in the window of our compartment door. A strange dark hooded figure floated past. It looked in the window and stared at us. After about a minute it passed to the next compartment.

I let out a deep breath realizing I had been holding it in. We sat in silence staring at the door in case it came back. After a couple minutes the lights flickered back on and the warmth came back. The train started moving again finally.

"What were those things?" I asked still shaken. "Dementors, I've read about them before. There supposed to guard Azkaban." Said Hazel. "I bet you there looking for serious black, he escaped not too long ago." Said Jordan.

"So the dementors think 'oh a man finally gets out of Azkaban after years of being trapped there and the first thing he's gonna do is hop on a train to school?" I said sarcastically. That comment made them laugh. "There probably just Doing it to be sure." Said Hazel.

Just then we heard someone open the door and we all looked up to see who it was. It was Lee and his friends Fred and George, they were twins. "Bloody hell you scared me." I said. "Are you guys alright?" Asked Lee.

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