The burrow

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- Y/Ns Pov -

I suddenly woke up. I hadn't opened my eyes yet, I smelled firewood and it felt warm and cozy. I knew exactly where I was, the burrow. I opened my eyes and looked around.

I was on the couch, laying down. Fred was sleeping on a blanket next to the couch. I heard someone moving about the kitchen so I got up, snuck past Fred careful not to wake him and went into the kitchen.

Molly was looking into the fridge but when she heard me she turned and saw me. "Y/N! How are you feeling dear?" She asked pulling me into a hug. "Fine, my head hurts a bit." I said. "You were asleep for two nights and a whole day." She said.

"That long?" I asked. "Yes, now let's get some food in you, you must be starving." She said gesturing for me to sit down. When she said that I noticed I was rather hungry. I sat down and watched her put some breakfast on my plate.

"Thank you Molly." I said smiling. "Oh it was no trouble dear, I was about to call everyone down for breakfast anyway." She said. I started to eat. I had eggs, sausage, pancakes, and orange juice.

"Breakfast!" Molly called up to her children. Fred was the first to walk in. "Y/N!" He said as he came up and hugged me from behind. "Miss me Freddie?" I asked jokingly. "Always." He replied as he sat down next to me.

The rest of the Weasleys and Harry and Hermione came down and walked into the kitchen. "Y/N!" They all said. I got a couple hugs and everyone sat down.

"Feeling better?" Asked Ginny. "Yes, my head does hurt a little though." I replied. Molly handed me a potion. "Drink this dear, it will help." She said. I took the bottle and drank it.

Almost immediately my head felt better. "Much better, thank you." I said. Molly smiled at me as a 'your welcome'. "You must have been really tired." Joked George. "Oh shut up." I said. "Freddie here wouldn't leave your side the whole time." Said George smirking.

"I just wanted to make sure she was ok." Said Fred. "Thank you Freddie." I said, trying to make it seem not a big deal. "Anytime." He said. We all ate our meal and chatted. Ginny left for a sleepover rat her friends house.

After we ate Ron asked "Anyone up for a game of quidditch?" Harry, George, Fred, and Ron.  happily agreed. I said "Yes, I would love too." But molly heard me and said "I think you should rest Y/N. You just got over a serious injury." "Ok, I won't play but I'm at least going to watch." I said.

"I don't have to play either, I'll sit and watch with you." Said Fred. "No that would make the teams uneven, I'll watch with Hermione. Right?" I said, turning to Hermione. "Thank you, I would love some company while I keep score." She said exited.

"Ok, I'll play." He said smiling. He had sat by my side for a day and two nights, I figured he could use some fun. We all got freshened up and dressed, then headed outside.

Molly and Arthur were going somewhere until late so we had the house all to ourselves.

Hermione and I sat under the shade of a willow tree in the yard. The boys got their brooms and got ready. The teams had to be two against two so there were no beaters or seekers. It was George and Harry against Fred and Ron.

The game began and Hermione and I struck up a conversation, still paying a little attention to the game to keep score. "So, you and Fred seem close." She said. "Yeah, me and the twins have always been." I said. "I know but Fred in particular seems closer to you this summer." She said.

I felt myself blush. "Are you two... you know?" She asked. "No, we're just friends." I replied. "You and Ron seem close too." I added. Her face turned red. "He's an idiot and always seems to be hungry, I don't like him in that way." She said smugly. "Ok, if you say so." I said smirking.

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