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I woke up to all my friends standing over me. "Morning." They all said in unison. "Bloody hell." I said as I sat up and rubbed my eyes. "Sleepy?" Asked Fred as he sat down on my bed.

Why does he look so cute in the morning? Little did I know he was thinking the same thing about me.

"Ow Fred, you sat on my legs." I said. He laughed and moved over. Lee shot him a glare. I got up and freshened up in the bathroom. "Well let's open presents." George said when I got out. We all sat on the floor and grabbed our wrapped presents.

We passed them around until each person had the presents other people had gotten for them in front of them.

"That's a big present Y/N. Who's it from." Said Hazel. "Me." Said Fred smiling. In front of me there was a huge wrapped present. "What is it?" I asked. "Open it and see." Fred said.

"Wait." Said Hazel. She and Lee ran down to the common room and a minute later ran back up holding 6 hot chocolates. They handed them out to each person. "Thank you, thats so sweet of you." I said. Hazel and Lee smiled at me and we began opening our presents.

Hazel had gotten me a book on magical creatures, Jordan got me origami paper that you folded into butterflies it came to life and the butterflies would fly around your room. George got me a two bags of my favorite chips and fuzzy socks. Lee a bag of sweets and a hat and scarf set.

I saved Fred's present for last. Finally I ripped it open. It was a giant teddy bear that had a little Pom Pom hat on it. "Thank you guys!" I said. We all thanked each other and hugged.

"We better get ready to get on the train." Said Hazel. We packed our presents in our trunks but my bear wouldn't fit because it was about twice the size of my trunk so I left it out and Fred carried it for me.

On our way through the corridors to the hall Professor Lupin stopped me. "Hey, Merry Christmas Y/N." He said. "Merry Christmas Professor." I said.

I walked back to my friends. "What was that about?" Asked George. "He wished me a merry Christmas." I said. "He didn't wish anyone else one." Said Lee. "Weird." I said.

We continued on and got to the train. Hazel, Jordan, and I all sat in a compartment. Then George came in because he wanted to sit with Jordan and where he goes so does his twin so Fred came too. Lee didn't want to be in a compartment alone so he came too.

Lee sat across from Hazel closest to the door. George sat between him and Jordan. Jordan was mostly on his lap. I laid across the seat with my head in Fred's lap and my legs over Hazel.

"Got any pranks planned for break?" I asked the twins." "Is that even a question?" Asked Fred. "We have a couple." Said George. "Like what?" Hazel asked. "We're going to give Percy a sweet that changes his hair color." Said Fred. "What color?" Asked Lee as we all laughed. "Blue." The twins said in unison.

"Bloody hell he's going to be pissed." I said laughing. "That's the point love." Said Fred. He looked down at me laughing. I stuck out my tongue at him. He smirked and looked back up.

"I'm tired, I got up too early." Said Lee. He leaned his head against the door and closed his eyes. Hazel did the same. Jordan leaned on George and they both closed their eyes.

I closed my eyes but when I did I felt Fred start to play with my hair. I liked it when he did this, it always relaxed me. I soon drifted off.

All of the sudden I was standing on a street in diagonally. I saw Fred run up to me and pick me up. My legs were resting on his thighs and his arms wrapped around me with his hands on my ass.

I leaned into him and our lips touched. He started to kiss me. I rubbed my hands through his hair. He twirled me around then deepened the kiss. His tongue slipped into my mouth. I could smell his scent of burning wood, cinnamon, and vanilla.

Butterflies 🦋 (Fred x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now