Last summer before graduation

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As soon as I woke up I remembered I would see Fred today. I got up and got ready really quickly. It was a bit of a long trip to the burrow from here. When Remus and I were both ready and had breakfast we got into the car and we're on our way.

Since I had gotten barley any sleep last night I slept most of the car ride. Remus didn't mind, he just listened to music on the radio. At around 6pm we finally arrived. Remus shook me awake and I got so exited.

"Thank you so much for driving me all this way." I said. "Well I'm meeting my friends kind of close to here anyway but no problem." He said. I gave him a smile, which he returned. "Alright I'm gonna have to go now. I have somewhere to be." He said. "Ok. Bye. I'll see you in a couple days." I said. "Goodbye." He said.

I took my small luggage out of the back and walked up to the front door. I knocked three times and less than 10 seconds later someone opened the door. It was George. "Y/N!" He said. Him and Lee hugged me before I could even put my stuff down.

"I missed you guys!" I said when they finally let go. "We missed you too." Said Lee. "Where's Fred?" I asked. "He stayed up really late last night so he's taking a nap." Said Lee. "What a welcome." I said sarcastically.

Then Molly and Arthur walked in. "Well if it isn't the famous Y/N." Said Molly. "Fred would not stop talking about you." Said Arthur. I laughed and gave them hugs. "Is that Y/N?" Asked Bill as he walked into the room. "Hey." I replied. "You used to be so little. What happened?" He asked.

"I dunno. I think a little thing called growing up." I said. "Dinner will be ready in a couple minutes dear. I hope your hungry." Said Molly. "I am." I replied. "Y/Ns here?" Ron asked as him and Charlie walked in. "Wow I have a whole welcome committee." I said laughing. "Hey Y/L/N." Said Charlie.

When I was 11/12 I had a small crush on Charlie and very one knew about it. The whole family still liked to tease me about it. "Hey Weasley." I replied. He pulled me in for a hug which I accepted. When we pulled apart George said "Looks like Fred has some competition."

"It's not much of a competition considering Fred's not even here." Said Lee. "Shut up." I said. "Leave poor Fred alone." Said Bill. Charlie just rolled his eyes and shook his head. All of the Weasley children felt like siblings to me, except Fred of course.

"I'm gonna go wake him up." I said. "I'm sure he'll like that." Said Ron laughing. "Yeah me too." I turned around halfway up the stairs to say. Everyone laughed except Mr. and Mrs. Weasley. I don't think they got the joke.

I walked up the stairs and found Fred's room. I knew where it was from the times I visited when I was younger but it had been a while. I quietly opened the door, careful not to wake him just yet.

After closing the door behind me I silently tip toed over to his bed. I stood beside his head and leaned over. I gently moved some hair out of his face and kissed him on the cheek.

His took a deep breathe and his eyes fluttered open. As soon as he saw me a big smile grew on his face. "Miss me Freddie?" I asked. "More than anything." He replied. He reached up and grabbed me, pulling me onto the bed with him.

I crawled under the covers and load in his arms. It felt so good to be back in his arms, smelling burning wood, cinnamon, and vanilla. We just laid there for a minute and enjoyed each other.

"I meant to actually be awake when you got here." Fred said. "That's ok. Everyone less in your whole family was already there to greet me." I said. "Plus wasn't this a good way to wake up?" I added. "The best." He replied.

"I missed you love." He said. "I missed you too Freddie." I said. "Dinners ready!" We heard Molly call from the kitchen. "I'm starving." I said. "But your so comfortable." Said Fred. "I would be more comfortable if my stomach wasn't rumbling." I said.

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