The lake

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After I got ready I headed downstairs. Everyone was waiting around. "Good Y/Ns ready now where is Fred?" Charlie asked. I shrugged. "He's in the kitchen." Said George. "Why is he in there?" Ron asked. "Just a minute." Fred yelled from the kitchen. "I already packed snacks." Said Ron.

We all waited for a minute more then Fred walked out of the kitchen with a basket in his hand. "Finally. Let's go." Said Ginny. We walked out the door and towards the shed. Fred and I were behind everyone.

"What's in there?" I asked gesturing towards his basket. "Something for our date." He said. He looked proud of himself. I smiled and grabbed his free hand in mine. We got to the shed and got our brooms out.

The lake was a bit of a walk away so it was faster just to fly. After a couple minutes we arrived and landed. George walked over and touched the water. "It's not that cold actually." He said. I threw off my cover up clothes to reveal my bathing suit and ran to the edge of the lake. Then without thinking I canon-balled in.

Fred and George soon followed. I was turned around getting my hair out of my face when I felt someone grab me from behind. I let out a small scream then I realized that it was very familiar. "Fred." I said as I turned around in his arms.

He smiled down at me. "How'd you know?" He asked. His hair was so hot all wet and in his face like that. I shrugged "I guess you'll never know." I said. The water made my legs drift up and without realizing I wrapped my legs around Fred's waist.

His arms dropped down to my lower back and he leaned in closer to me. I bit my lip, he really did look really hot. Then our lips met and my hand ran through his hair. "Ew." Ron said. Fred and I broke apart so we could talk. "I think they'll die if they go more than an hour without making out." Said George.

I glared at them and said "Wanna bet?" "Yeah actually I do." Said George. "I bet you 10 galleons that we can go a full hour without kissing." I said. "Alright deal." Said George. Then we shook hands.

When I turned back to Fred he made a disappointed face. "Don't be sad. I just made us 10 galleons." I said. "Yeah but we can't kiss for an hour." He said. "You taste like lake water anyway." I said laughing.

Then Fred pushed his hands through the water and sent a huge spray of water at me. So I sent one back. And soon it turned into an all out war. I swam over to George and used him as a shield but he moved out of the way quickly. Eventually we tired ourselves out and I could barley keep my head above the surface of the water.

"Ok I need a break." I said. I got out of the water and went over to lay in the sun next to Ginny. "What are you up to?" I asked. "Reading." She said. "What about?" I asked. She explained the book she was reading to me and we talked about it for a little while the twins had a splash fight of there own.

About 10 minutes later they got tired of it and Fred got bored. "Y/N comeback into the water." He said. "I dunno I'm still tired." I said. I really just wanted to get a little bit of a tan. "Pleaaaase." He pleaded. "I don't think so." I replied.

"Y/Nnnn." Fred complained. I shook my head. "Y/N Y/N Y/N." Fred said my name over and over trying to get me to crack. "No no no." I said laughing. Then he got out of the water and walked towards me. He stood over me and said "Come on please." "Your dripping water on me Freddie." I said trying not to laugh. I was eventually going to get in but it was funny to see him like this.

"Oh am I?" He asked as he knelt down. He laid down beside me and then without warning rolled over on top of me. "How about now? Is water still getting in you?" He asked. "Fred! I can't breathe." I said laughing under his weight. The water was cold on my back.

"Say you'll get in and I'll let off." He said. "Ok ok fine I'll get in." I said. "Good." He replied. He got off and stood up. I rolled over onto my stomach and stayed there. "Come on." He said gesturing towards the lake. "Mmm never mind." I said. "Y/N!" He gasped.

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