Jordans letter

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I woke up feeling cooler than usual. Then I realized it was because I didn't feel Fred's body heat against me anymore. I threw my arm out to the side of me, hoping he was just rolled over, but felt nothing. Memories of last night flashed through my mind. Then I became worried.

What if he got what he wanted from me and now wants nothing to do with me anymore? I know that's a Jurassic thought but you never know. My eyes opened and I looked around the room.

Fred was no where to be seen but George was sitting in his bed laughing. "Fun night?" He said with a big smirk on his face. I rolled my eyes. "Yeah actually. It was real fun. Fred really knows how to make a gir-." "Ok that's something I'm happy I don't know about my brother." George cut me off.

"Speaking of your brother, where is he?" I asked. "He's downstairs. Making breakfast. With a huge smile in his face. I don't know what you did to him but he is way to happy this early in the morning." Said George.

I couldnt help but smile to myself. I was pretty happy this morning too. "Are you blushing?" George teased. "Shut up." I said unable to stop smiling.

The scent of something burning wafted up to the room. I sighed. "Let's go see how badly Fred Burnt breakfast." I said. "I didn't even know he knew how to use the oven." Said George. "Apparently he doesn't." I replied causing us both to laugh.

As we chalked into the kitchen Fred was taking something off of the stove top shaking his head. When he turned around and saw us he looked at me and smiled. Then he looked around the room and to George and disappointment settled on his face.

"You were supposed to make sure she didn't come down here until I was ready." Fred said. "We wanted to make sure you weren't burning the house down." Replied George. "Still not too sure of that. You left the oven on." I pointed out. Fred turned around and quickly turned off the oven.

"I wanted to make you breakfast in bed." He said. I let out a small laugh. "Aww Freddie. You might want to learn how a stove works first." I said. He rolled his eyes. "It's not my fault. I forgot the spells to make breakfast foods." He said.

"You must have really worked him hard last night." Said George as he sat down and took a bite of his toast. I gently smacked the back of George's head then looked at Fred and we couldn't help but laugh.

I walked over and wrapped my arms around Fred. "Thank you for making breakfast. Well.. trying anyway." I said quietly. "Anything for you My love." He replied. "But your still eating burnt or not." He said laughing. We pulled apart and I grabbed a price of burnt bacon.

I hesitated for a moment than took a bite. It crumbled in my mouth and the burnt taste of the meat made me cringe. "Yeah let me do the cooking next time." I said. He nodded in agreement.

Charlie then walked in the front door. "Mails here." He said as he threw a couple pieces of mail on the counter. "Mom and dad say they need to stay for one more night then there back tomorrow." Said Charlie. Fred smirked at me and I gave him a name the time and place look.

"They also want us to clean out the shed but we have to go into town first to get a couple things." He said. "Who's we?" Fred asked. "Glad you asked." Said Charlie with a grin. "You and I." He continued. "Why me?" Fred asked. "You asked." Charlie shrugged.

"Fine but Y/N had to help too then." Fred said. I was not in the mood to go to town and clean out a shed. Plus my legs were slightly sore from last night. I looked down at my legs and gave Fred a subtle look. "It's only a two person job." I said.

Fred rolled his eyes slightly. "Fine. Let's go." He said. Him and Charlie left closing the door behind them. After we ate our toast George and I started opening the mail. I saw one from Jordan and shook it in front of George's face.

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