Sirius Black

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A couple days had passed since we won the game. It was getting late so we were all heading back to the common when we stopped. There were a line of Gryffindors waiting to get into our common room.

"What's going on?" George yelled. "Someone's torn the portrait and the fat lady is gone." Someone else said. Dumbledore pushed his way to the front and found the fat lady In another painting.

"Serious black! Serious Black is in the castle." I heard someone yell. I could hardly tell what was going on. "Serious black?" I said turning to Hazel. She shrugged. "That's what I heard." She said.

After searching our entire Gryffindor area, Dumbledore let us in to grab a few things that we needed for the night and the next day. I grabbed my toothbrush, my hair brush, pajama shorts, a tshirt and another pair of robes for tomorrow. I also grabbed my pillow and blanket.

I walked back down and out of the common room. We all walked to the great hall. Everyone was trying to get in the bathrooms and get ready for bed so the lines were really long.

Hazel, Jordan, and I were all in line for the girls bathroom when I heard someone whisper my name. It was Fred, he and the boys were gesturing for us to go over to them.
"We can't, we will have to get back in the very back of the line." I whispered.

"Trust me, you won't need to." Said Fred. Reluctantly walked over to them. "What?" Hazel asked. "We found a way into the prefect bathroom." Said George.

"No way! Really?" Said Jordan. She hugged George and kissed him. "C'mon, we'll show you, but nobody can see us." Said Lee.

We snuck out of the great hall and ran down the corridors. We stopped in front of the Prefects bathroom. Fred held out his wand and said told us a spell. As he said it the door opened.

"Wicked." I said. "Thanks boys." Said Hazel and she pulled Jordan and I in, closing the door behind us. "Hey!" Said George. "We're going first, we found it." Said Fred. "We're already inside." I said. "And changing, so you can't come in." Added Hazel.

We got ready, it only took us a few minutes. Then the boys went in. After we were done we went to the great hall. It was only 7:00 so we already had dinner but we didn't want to go to bed yet.

"Let's sneak outside." Said Lee. We agreed and ran back through the corridors. We ran out onto the hillside. It was getting dark, Amanda the starts started to come out.

Jordan had brought her speaker and Hazel and I had brought our blankets. We laid out the blankets on the grass and turned on some music.

Fred sat on my blanket. I laid down with my head in his lap. George and Jordan danced, while Lee and Hazel were talking about Sirius black.

I looked up at Fred. He smiled down at me. "I'm glad we came out here, the stars are so pretty." I said. "There beautiful." Said Fred looking at me. "Your beautiful." I joked. "No your beautiful." Fred said.

His face started to turn slightly red, realizing what he had just said. "Thank you Freddie." I said grabbing his face in my hands. His arms wrapped around me and he tickled my stomach.

I let go of his face and grabbed his hands, trying to stop him. I was laughing so hard that I couldn't. I rolled over and almost started to roll down the hill. Fred laughed and laid down next to me. He began to roll down the hill pulling me after him.

We both started laughing, rolling down the hill. When we got to the end I landed on top of him. I lifted my head and looked at him. He grabbed me and rolled over to where he was leaning over me. I smiled at him and he smiled back.

"Oyi! What in the bloody hell are you doing?" Asked Lee, noticing us at the bottom of the hill. "Nothing." He said as he rolled over next to me. "Better be nothing." Said Lee. I started laughing. I got up and ran up the hill.

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