The Third Task

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It was the day of the third task. The girls and I woke up and went to breakfast but the boys were no where to be seen. After a couple minutes they finally appeared and sat with us. Fred sat next to me and his arm made its way around my waist .

"Where were you guys?" Asked Jordan. "I hope your weren't doing a prank without me." I said. "We were down at the quidditch pitch." Said Fred. "But your not supposed to be anywhere near there today Dumbledore said so himself." Said Hazel.

"And when had that ever stopped us?" Asked George smugly. Hazel rolled her eyes and Lee said "The while this has been turned into some sort of maze, it's for the third task." Said Lee. "This one is supposed to be the most dangerous." Said Jordan.

We chatted about the third task and finished our breakfast. We headed up to our dorms to get ready. I threw on some jeans and a Fred sweater, then my hat that molly knitted me. We got down to the common room and the boys were already waiting.

Fred had almost the exact same outfit on, jeans, his new sweater, but instead of a hat he had a scarf. "Well don't you look lovely." He said wrapping his arm around me as we walked to the pitch. "Why thank you." I said laughing.

As we walked Fred slowed his pace, keeping me with him so that we were a bit behind the group. Then he stopped completely and turned to face me. I stopped and looked at him too. He looked so handsome with us hair and his face smiling down at me.

"I love you Fred Weasley." I said. He took of his scarf and threw it around me. Then used it to pull me close to him. "I love you too Y/N Y/L/N." He leaned down and kissed me. "Oyi! Get a room or hurry up." Yelled Jordan from down the hall. "Yeah Fred, no need to lasso her." Said Lee. "Oh shut up." I said as Fred and I laughed.

We caught up with the group and made our way to the stands. Just then I saw Cedric pacing on the side of the field. "I'll be right back." I said as I got up. I walked down to where Cedric was and tapped him lightly on the shoulder. Hey turned around quickly.

"You almost gave me a heart attack!" He said. "Sorry." I replied. We walked into the tent where he was supposed to be getting ready. "Nervous?" I asked. "Very." He replied. "Don't be, I'm sure you'll do great!" I said. "Thanks Y/N." He said.

He stepped closer to me, I could feel heat radiating off of his body. "Cedric?" I asked, confused about what he was doing. Before I knew what was happening his lips smashed into mine, kissing me. When I realized what was happening I backed away.

"Cedric!" I said shocked. "I'm sorry, I- it's just I didn't mean to, it's just the nerves, I'm sorry Y/N." He said. "Erm, uh it's ok, really. But I have a boyfriend and you know that Cedric." I said. "Your right, I'm sorry I should not have done that." He said.

"Ok well I should be getting back now, but we're still friends right?" I asked. "Of course." He replied. "Good luck." I said as I turned to leave. "Thank you." He replied. I walked out of the tent and back up to the stands, taking my seat next to Fred.

Do I tell him what happened? Before I could the band started to play music quite loudly. The trial had begun. The champions were to go into the maze and find the cup, whoever did first won, but the maze changed not only itself but it could change the champions. It was going to be hard but I had faith in Harry and Cedric.

They took a while in the maze, I got rather bored just sitting there staring at the wall of green in front of me. "Watch, Lee is talking to that girl." Fred whispered to me laughing. I looked over a noticed Lee, talking to the girl he was sitting next to. Both of their faces were bright red.

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