The Quidditch World Cup

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!This chapter is a bit longer than the rest!

It was now getting close to fall again, I was at the Weasleys and tommorow we would be going to the Quidditch World Cup.

We just got done playing a game of quidditch in the yard. George, Ron and I against Harry, Ginny, and Fred while Hermione kept score.

I had gotten to know Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Ginny more over the past week I had been at the Weasleys. We played a lot of quidditch and the twins and I played a lot of pranks.

"Good game, too bad you lost." I said laughing to Fred. "At least I didn't almost fall off my broom twice." He said laughing. "Shut up." I said bumping him.

We walked inside and sat down to drink some water. "We should watch a movie tonight." Said Ginny. "Yes!" I agreed. It was getting dark outside. "Let's do it in a couple minutes, I'm going to make snacks." Said Ron.

"We call the couch." Said George gesturing to his twin and I. "Fine, but I get to pick the movie." Said Ginny. After a couple minutes we all sat down, Ron handed us all popcorn.

"So what movie did you pick?" I asked. "(Your favorite movie)." Ginny replied. "Oh I love that one." I said. I sat down on the couch in between the twins. It was a tight fit but we made it work.

After I finished my popcorn I was feeling tired so I leaned against Fred. I felt him wrap his arms around my waist and pull me closer to him. I leaned my head against his chest and continued to watch the movie.

I woke up on the couch. I felt arms wrapped around me so I opened my eyes and looked around. Fred and I must have fell asleep on the couch. I tried to sit up was his grip was too tight.

"Freddie, wake up." I said as I pushed a piece of hair out of his face. He just grunted. "Fred, no one can find us like this." I Said. He opened his eyes and looked at me. "I could get used to waking up like this." He said smiling.

I smiled back down at him. "We have to get up before someone sees us." I said quietly. "Too late." I heard a voice say from the kitchen. We both looked up and saw George walking into the living room sipping some coffee. "Morning." He said stretching out the o.

I quickly sat up, Fred did too. "Oh don't worry, I took a picture to capture the moment." He said winking. I felt my face get hot. "Why don't you do something actually useful and make us some coffee." Said Fred.

"I don't think I will." He said walking up the stairs. Fred started to get up but I sat him back down. "You stay here, I'll make us some breakfast." I said. "Thank you." He said smiling.

I went to the kitchen and used a spell to make coffee and to cook some eggs and to toast some bread. I put the eggs and toast on two plates and brought it to Fred. "You didn't have to." He said. "I woke you up, the least I can do is get you coffee." I said.

"You know Y/N, I lo-." Fred was cut off by The golden trio coming down the stairs. "I can't wait to see krum." Said Ron. "Goodmorning." Fred said to them. "Morning." They replied as they went into the kitchen for breakfast.

Fred and I started to eat. "You know, your hair is sticking straight up in the back." Fred said. "Oh, that happens a lot when I first wake up." I said smoothing it down. I felt embarrassed that he saw that. "It's cute." He said. I just laughed.

After we ate we went upstairs to freshen up. When we were all ready to go we went outside and headed up a hill. We walked for a while until we saw a man at the edge of the woods.

It was Amos Diggory, Mr. Weasley worked with him at the ministry. Just then a boy jumped down from a tree. I recognized him it was Cedric Diggory. He was in our year at Hogwarts, he was a hufflepuff.

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