Tri-Wizard Tournament

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I woke up to molly knocking on Ginnys door. "Wake up! You go back to school today." She said in a chipper voice. "Ok mum, we're getting up." Said Ginny. Molly walked away from the door to go get the boys up.

Hermione got up first and dragged Ginny and I out of our beds. "C'mon guys we don't want to be late." She said. I got up and Yawned, I would have to get used to waking up this early so might as well start now.

I got freshened up and dressed and we headed downstairs. The boys were still getting ready so we got some bowls and made our self's some cereal.

"Boys if you are still asleep I will hex you. We have to leave in 20 minutes." We heard molly yell from upstairs. "We should help her." I said feeling bad for her. "You get the twins up and Ginny and I will get Harry and Ron." Said Hermione getting up from the table.

"No way. If there's one thing I learned from living with so many brothers it's to never attempt to wake them up early." Said Ginny. "Fine, I will get Harry and Ron by myself." Said Hermione.

I walked up to the twins room and went inside. They were both still fast asleep. I walked over to George and shook him, then did the same to Fred. "Wake up you two!" I yelled.

I heard a grunt but neither of them got up. We are going to be late if they keep this up. Then I got an idea. I used a spell to splash water onto them and pull their covers off.

"Oyi!" They both yelled. "Hurry up and get ready, we are going to be late." I said as I ran out of the door before they could get me back.

I made sure they they had gotten up and then went back down to the kitchen to finish my breakfast. A little while later the boys came down and we all headed out the door.

We arrived at the train station. I looked around and saw Jordan. I ran up to her and pulled her into a tight hug. "I missed you so much!" I said as I pulled away. "I missed you too!" She replied.

We walked back over to the twins and George and Jordan hugged. I was looking back through the crowd when I saw Lee, he was facing away from me. I ran up behind him and said "Boo!" He jumped and turned around.

"Y/N!" He said as he pulled me into a hug. "I wish you could have come with us." I said pulling away from the hug. "I had fun anyway, and I have some interesting news but I'll tell you when we are all in the compartment." He said.

All the sudden I felt someone jump on my back. "Guess who." A voice said. "Hazel!" I yelled. She jumped off and we hugged.

We all got settled in our compartment and chatted about our summers. "So what did you want to tell us?" I asked Lee, remembering our conversation before. "I finally met someone." He said blushing.

"Really? Who?" Asked the twins. "Her name is Amelia, but Lia for short. We met at the beach." He said. "Oooh." I said mocking him.

The train ride soon ended and we got off. We sat down at the table and watched the first years get sorted, that always took so long. Then Dumbledoor started his speech, only this time it was different.

He announced that quidditch would not be held this year, which made us all sad, especially because this was supposed to be my first year as captain. Then he went on to say that this year we would be hosting the tri-wizard tournament.

The twins got really exited, the wanted to be in it. "Wicked." They said in unison. "You two are complete idiots, people get hurt, sometimes they die." I said. "So?" They said in unison. "Did you not hear when I said people die?" I asked. "Yeah, but we won't." Said George.

I rolled my eyes and noticed the door open. Dumbledoor introduced the girls from Beax Batons Academy. Girls with light blue dresses on came through the door. The way they walk reminded me of fluttering butterfly's. Every couple steps they would stop and blow kisses in either direction.

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