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When Fred and I finally got up and walked downstairs breakfast was cold, but we ate it anyway. Most of the Weasleys were still in the living and dining rooms opening the letters that just arrived. When bill opened his, his eyes went wide and a smile appeared on his face.

"What is it bill?" I asked curious. "Nothing. I am going to a friends house for the night." He said. Fred and I looked at eachother not buying it for a second. Fred got up and walked nonchalantly behind bill.

Then when bill got distracted by something else Fred grabbed the letter right out of his hands. "It's from a girl! Someone named Julie" He said laughing. "Bill I didn't know you knew any girls." Said George laughing. Bill quickly grabbed the letter back and glared at Fred.

"Oh bill I love you so much." Fred said pretending to be the girl. I got up and pretended to be bill. "Oh Julie I love you too." I said. "Oh bill won't you come over to my house tonight? I just can't stand being away from you this long." Said Fred.

"If I stay away for any longer I think I may fall ill. Of course I'll come over Julie, my love." I said falling into Fred's arms. "Oh shut it. You two are ones to talk." Said Bill. "Yeah but I don't try to hide it." Said Fred.

The. He turned to me and said "Oh Y/N since Bill won't be here tonight will you come to my room?" "Oh Fred of course I will." I said dramatically. I jumped into Fred arms and he held me bridal style. Then we dramatically kissed. Bill rolled his eyes, he knew he couldn't stop us.

"Ok ok we get it just don't tell mum... or dad." Said Bill. "Hey who's up for a quidditch match?" Asked George. "Hell yeah." I said as Fred set me down. I loved playing quidditch at the Weasleys because there were so many of us, not just one on one like Lee and I sometimes played at home.

We all went outside and grabbed our brooms. "Ok teams?" Charlie asked. "Y/N, Charlie and I." Said Fred. "Your on." Said George. "Wait that's not fair, they get four and we only get three." I said. "Yeah but you guys get, we'll you." Said George.

I knew I was really good at quidditch so I didn't deny it. "Yeah ok that's fair." I said slightly joking. "Ginnys getting pretty good too though." I added. Ginny smiled at me gratefully. "Yeah." Fred added. "Yeah but we have Ron." George said making fun of Ron as if he were a obligation.

"Ok ok." Fred said agreeing. "Hey." Ron said. "Sorry Nate your just not that good yet." Said Fred, obviously joking. "Ok now that we're agreed can we play?" Asked Charlie. "Who's going to keep score?" Asked Bill. "We'll just have to keep our own." I said.

The game lasted a while. At first George's team was winning because they had more people. But then our team came up with strategies and we started catching up. Fred, Charlie, and I made a really good team actually and we ended up winning.

When I scored the last point my team cheered and when we all landed on the ground Fred and Charlie lifted me onto there shoulders and ran around cheering and whooping. I laughed and eventually said "ok ok put me down." They set me down and we all went inside for a lunch/dinner.

My team taunted the others the whole time but eventually it got less amusing. After we ate, Bill left. The twins and I went up to their room. It was later in the afternoon so we just worked on a couple new products for a while. When it got dark outside we went back down a stairs for a snack.

Charlie was already down there getting one as well. "Now that Bills gone..." George said pulling something out from underneath ha cabinet. It was a bottle of fire whiskey. "Charlie your not going to tell right?" Fred asked. "Not if you let me in on that. And don't tell mum or dad that I invited my friend over." He said.

"What friend?" Fred asked. "Camilla." Charlie said. As if on que we heard a knock at the door. Charlie opened it to a reveal a girl that looked about a year younger than Charlie. "Hey." She said. We all introduced ourselves. "Is that fire whiskey?" Camilla asked when she saw the kitchen counter. "Yeah. You want some?" I asked. "Definitely." She said. Then we all went to the kitchen. I liked her already.

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