Love Potion

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A week had gone by and it's was now Saturday. I opened my eyes, for once I didn't wake up to Hazel shaking me. I looked around the room. The girls were still asleep. I looked at the clock, it read 6:30 am. Breakfast was at 7:30 and we had to be at the quidditch pitch by 8:00.

We usually would wake up at 7:00 but I was already awake as I wasn't going to fall back asleep. I took the opportunity to finally get to wake Hazel up from her peaceful sleep.

I ran over to her bed and jumped on top of her. "Geeet uuup." I sang. She open her eyes, surprised. I smiled down at her "Morning sleepy head." I said.

"Shove off." She groaned. I hopped off the bed and onto my feet. "What time is it?" She asked. "6:30." I said. "Bloody hell why did you wake me up?" She asked sitting up. "I woke up a couple minutes ago and was bored, plus payback for you waking me up early everyday for 5 years." I said.

"Quiet down you two, I'm trying to sleep." Said Jordan, her eyes still shut. "Good your up." Said Hazel. "I guess I am now." Said Jordan opening her eyes and sitting up.

"I'm going to go freshen up." I said. I got freshened up and while I changed into my quidditch clothes, Hazel and Jordan got freshened up.

"Hey, since we have extra time can you braid my hair?" I asked Jordan. She could do the best Dutch braids I've ever seen. "Yeah." She said smiling. She did my hair in two braids starting at the top of my hair line. They went all the way down my head and back.

"Thank you!" I said hugging her. "Alright you lot, let's get to breakfast." Said Hazel. "Great, I my starved." I said. We walked to the great hall and sat down.

Soon the twins walked over to us. Since Lee was still sleeping and wouldn't be joining us, Fred sat next to me and rested his hand on my thigh, but George sat next to Jordan, and Hazel sat on my other side.

"Morning." The twins said. George was looking at Jordan. "Morning." Jordan said, looking at George. They smiled at each other, thinking we didn't see, but Hazel and I did. We made faces at each other and the looked at Jordan. I raised my eyebrows twice at her. Jordan made a shut-up face at Hazel and I.

Hazel made a alright-but-we-see-what's-going-on face at Jordan. Jordan made a whatever face at us. Hazel and I laughed. Then we laughed which made Fred say "What?" "Nothing." All of us girls said at the same time as we started to eat.

"It's honestly creepy sometimes how they don't even need to talk, they can just look at eachother and have a whole conversation." Said Fred. "Your bloody right it's creepy." Said Goerge causing us girls to laugh.

We finished eating, grabbed our brooms and headed to the pitch. Oliver wood was waiting for us. "Where's Angela?" I asked. "Here." She said, running in behind us.

"Good, now that we are all finally here, let's start." Said Oliver. We practiced non stop all morning. "That was a good practice but we need more if we are going to win the cup this year." Said Oliver. We all rolled our eyes knowing we did amazing.

After practice we went to lunch. We sat back in our usual formation again with Lee. "Have fun out there?" Lee asked sarcastically. "Shut up."said George. We all piled food onto our plates, hungry after working so hard. "At least it didn't rain." Said Hazel. "True, that would have been horrible." Agreed Jordan.

~ Time Jump ~

About a month had gone by. Our quidditch team had been practicing four afternoons a week to get ready for our first game. It was finally here. We were going to play against Ravenclaw.

We all knew they were good, but not as good as us. We got ready and headed out to the pitch. "Who's ready to win this bitch?" I said. The whole team cheered and shouted.

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