•♥︎• Prologue •♥︎•

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•❤•Euphoria •❤•

Definition :

A feeling or intense excitement or Happiness ♥︎



" Mama , Papa what is Happiness ?"

Asked a h/c gal at the age of six , looking at her parent's as they were walking down the street while holding their hands as the lovely couple only glance at their child and smiled at each other .

" It's were a person feels giddy , cheerful and all the things that makes butterfly's inside your stomach and if your lucky enough , it can also be a person . Whether be a friend , a family member or a person you really like . "

" Just like those in fairytales?"

" Yes just like in fairytales."

That was years ago , the girl was merely five when an accident happened , ending the first chapter of her life . Crying to herself , a hand was place on her shoulder . Looking up she saw a lovely women smiling softly at her , the young women knelt down to her height as she held the girl in her arms .

One day while my light is glowing ,

" I'm sorry about your parents dear... But I promise to be there for you . Okay ?"

Nodding her head , the h/c brunette held the music box in her arms tightly embracing it . The women noticed and smiled , standing up she took out a hand for her to hold .

At that moment something changed inside of her , something ran past her head down to her feet as if it just left her then and there .

Whatever it is , it left her fast .

Her smile turned to a frown as her eyes dulled a bit , the women took notice of this and frowned .

Holding hands. The two went out of the house the young girl used to call 'home' , getting inside the car as the little girl went on the passenger seat still grasping on the music box . The last thing her parent's gave her , she hung her head low just thinking about them .

" My name's Atsuko . How about you dear ?"

" Y/n..."

" Y/n ? such a lovely name ."

I'll be in my castle golden

The girl looked at the women now her new mother as Atsuko smiled and turned her head back to the road . Y/n just smiled and turned to the side of the window taking in the scenery , slowly closing her eyes as she felt the movement of the car .

A few hours past as her eyes flutter open when she felt a soft yet sudden shake on her shoulders , looking up she rubbed her eyes and saw Atsuko smiling at her.

•♥︎• Euphoria •♥︎• Paris x Reader •♥︎•Where stories live. Discover now