•♥︎• Special : Surgical Operations •♥︎•

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Be careful who you trust , even a hero could turn into a villain in a matter of seconds. A small ounce of black paint being drop in water could leave the whole liquid black.

Once you trust someone , only a small inconvenience would break the whole relationship a part.

Genre : Yandere Au , Human Au

Warnings : Slight mention of gore and violence


Paris is the type of person to be calm and collective ; being the one who can confront and end discussion's in a matter of seconds. He never had taken a liking towards any romantic nor platonic relationships , the ravenette always believe that if he were to be in those type of things. It would take only months for his partner to end it because of how serious and devoted he is to his job.

Paris was a mere doctor in the industry , he had always been one since of his passion of surgical operations. Nothing could prepare him for the dismantling of his actions. A new member had been taken in , a young h/c women in her late twenties now recruited from another hospital in the other end of town.

" Hello , My name's Y/n L/n.. I hope we get along."

The young gal smiled and that was when the ravenette had tinted red on his cheeks , a sudden feeling of euphoria had rise up on his chest as he tried to understand what was going on. Everyday since she entered the hospital was like a dream to him and only him , Paris watch from a far as the h/c nurse walk along side his colleague.

Her heels clicking with every move she made while her h/c hair bounce from side to side , He could feel his cheeks heat up from how serious she was.

"Dr. Paris.. we need to go now."

The ravenette turned to see another female nurse with a small blush on her face , it had disgusted him to the core though he couldn't understand why. The day followed suit as another patient entered the hospital , Paris sat down behind his desk and took out a file looking at it to understand more about the patient.

A knock on the door made him look up from the file then back down to read , he gave out a faint ' come in ' as the door's knob twisted open.

" Good afternoon , Dr. Paris."

Her angelic voice lingered in the air ; Paris look up to see Y/n smiling at him with a clipboard to her chest. Closing the door , the h/c brunette walk towards the front of the desk and gave out her signature smile making another wave of euphoria wash over him. Paris cough and straighten his back , clasped his hands together, then smiled.

" What do you need Ms. L/n ? "

" I was assured to go here by Dr. Ivan to give these files out to you , he said he wanted to have another set of help with a surgery next week and that if it was okay for you to help him with it."

The h/c nurse gave out two sheets of paper from her clipboard , Paris grabbed hold of it. Their fingers slightly touching in contact as Y/n pulled back and grip tightly on her clipboard unknowingly Paris felt a slight urge to pull her close to him but didn't due to the fact that she was merely a nurse here by one week also that he didn't knew anything about her.

•♥︎• Euphoria •♥︎• Paris x Reader •♥︎•Where stories live. Discover now