•♥︎• Shopping Buddy ! Chapter : Eight •♥︎•

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" Okay. Come on ! Lets buy some clothes !!"

The mall was filled with people. It wasn't what Paris expected, groaning,  he watch as Y/n glance around, searching for a shop in mind. Finally, pointing at a shop from the corner of the mall. She grab his wrist and ran towards it.

It was already the next day from yesterday, Yumi wanted to come along with their shopping spree but sadly the young albino was told to spend the whole day with Nora at the antique shop.

So that leaves the two alone for the rest of the day, in the mall. Y/n glance back at Paris, his clothes were simple- she choose them for him after all.

White long sleeve polo, black jeans and grey sneakers, luckily Paris agreed with her choice.

" Would you please not drag me along like a rag doll."

" Fine, fine. Come on !!"

Going inside the shop. Paris glance around the area, some of the clothes inside had chains , others had belts, and the rest goes on.

It wasn't at all his style, his figure stop behind Y/n as she grab a shirt from the shelve. Wondering if it was a fit for him.

" Hey I think this-"

She stop for a moment, an annoyed look on her face. Paris hum,  his eyes still on a tuxedo from the other side of the shop, shaking her head. Y/n tug on Paris' sleeve as she went on and on, finding some modernish style for him.

" How about this ?" She ask with an amuse look on her face, lifting up a brown turtle neck and pants.

Paris glared at her and shook his head, Y/n sighed and glance around until a soft tap on her nose made her look back at the puppet in front of her.

He smirk at her, an idea already on his mind as he cross his arms on top of the other. 

" How about we go on our separate ways for now, grab any clothes that looks good on me. Then we can decide which looks best." 

" Are you challenging me?" 

" Oh darling," He stop, leaning against her fore head. Smirks on their face's as they give a competitive glare at each other, " That was a threat." 

" Oh. Your on." 

It was settled. Y/n and Paris went away from each other, looking through clothes, grabbing some of them.

' Now what to get this puppet boy?' 

She thought, her fingers softly touching some of the rack clothes. Y/n pick up a black turtle neck and smiled, folding it over to her arm as she look for another set of clothes. 

' Lets see. Maybe I should go for an aesthetic vibe and maybe an emo boy style ? Yeah I should go for it.' 

•♥︎• Time skip •♥︎•

Y/n smiling fondly at her clothes folded on her arm as she glance at Paris who glance at her, some clothes on his arm as well. Lifting a brow, she motioned for him to enter, giving him her choice of clothes. Paris rolled his eyes and entered, closing the door behind him. 

•♥︎• Euphoria •♥︎• Paris x Reader •♥︎•Where stories live. Discover now