•♥︎• Date and Photos Chapter : Three •♥︎•

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♡• Third  P.O.V•♡•

The morning light shined against a window as Y/n glance around, minding her business, until a soft cough came.

" Yumi , Y/n ?"

The two girls look over at their adopted mother, confuse .

" Whoops , sorry that story must be boring for an adult and kid.."

" O-Oh !! No !!

Y/n shook her head and smiled at Nora , appreciating her for trying her absolute best to be a mother . Y/n took her strawberry drink and sipped through the straw , placing it back down, as she smiled back to her sister . Ruffling her hair a bit made Yumi pout and try to fix it back .

" Nora , that story was not boring . We're just... tired . That's all. No need to worry about us."

Nora gave a concern look at the two as she fold her hands on top of the table .

" Tired ? Are you two not sleeping well ? If not , we can go back home . If you'd like ."

Y/n shook her head ' No' and glance at Yumi who agreed with her .

" No need Nora , we're just fine . I was just a bit jet lag from the other day , I'm sure I'm fine now. Yumi just hadn't slept well last night , so we're just a bit tired but fine."

Nora still had a concern look to them but nodded in understanding , Yumi gave a sigh of relief as Y/n chuckled .

" You both remind me so much of the two.."

This caught Y/n's attention as she look at Nora, confuse written in her face, followed by Yumi . Nora smiled and place her drink down .

" You know F/n and Yuzo.."

Hearing her Father's name made Y/n to lean forward along with Yumi , both wanting to know more about the two adults . Nora gave a giggle at the siblings who were seemingly intrigue by the story , she was about to tell.

" Yuzo used to do the same thing-just suddenly start staring off into space , right in the middle of class . Some of us joke that he could see ghosts or something."

Y/n choked on her saliva and coughed - knowing full well Yumi has that ability - while Yumi glance at her sister,  playfully glaring at her. Y/n grabbed her strawberry drink and sip ; jokingly looking around as if she doesn't know it .

" While F/n was..."

Y/n turn and place her drink down , her face soften, as Nora smiled softly at the memory . Y/n knew Nora for a portion of her childhood since both her parents would talk about her and some other colleague's,  but never has she gotten the chance to see her in person not after the...incident..

" F/n was collective and calm like you Y/n. But he was more cold like stone cold, before your mother came to his life , his coldness softened just for her . Your parents were a wholesome couple , the total opposite of each other actually, but still wholesome. Much like the saying 'Opposites attract' "

Nora gave a giggle, Y/n shook her head smiling , Yumi smiled at the two and grab her drink taking a sip out of it .

" But I remember Father talking about you two taking all of Yuzo's classes during college ? Is it true ? "

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