•♥︎• Aliens chapter : Fourteen •♥︎•

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I haz come back from the dead my children.


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Anyways. I'm sorry I wasn't uploading my usual pace when I normally do. I was busy with school and was studying for a test TvT.

But I'm back and here to bring you a fun chapter.

Hope you enjoy !


•☆• Aliens of area 51 •☆•

•▪︎• Sangwoo alien is online
( Ethan ) •▪︎•

•▪︎• Eyebags Alien is online
( Y/n ) •▪︎•

•▪︎• Sweet baby Alien is online
( Kay ) •▪︎•

•▪︎• Queen sassy alien is online ( Dexter ) •▪︎•

Queen Sassy Alien :

Queen Sassy Alien :

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Eyebags Alien :

I hate you so much.

Sangwoo Alien :

Please stop changing my nickname. You all know I don't like that manwha.

Sangwoo Alien changes their nickname to Ethan Alien.

Eyebags Alien :
Hai Kay :D

Sweet baby Alien :
Hi and good evening Y/n :))

Queen Sassy Alien :
Speaking of Sangwoo. I have a confession to make. 😔🤧

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