•♥︎• Signed with love Chapter : Twenty •♥︎•

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I cover my ears. Its too damn early for this. Currently, sitting on my bed. Mess of a birds nest, tired eyes and just hugging my favorite plushie against my chest while Dexter screamed on the other side of the phone.

" Tonight !! Tonight's the night ! The reunion !!"

A smile came as I nod my head.
" I know. Madam Rose sent me the announcement and venue, I'll see you later okay ?"

Another set of screams came from him. He's much more excited than I am. Nodding through every word of excitement he told me, we finally ended the call. I glance over at my closet, finally feeling that same of excitement Dexter has.

" Welp. Time for breakfast." Starting the day by kicking off my blanket and walking out of the door for some food. I waited patiently until it was the afternoon. By now, I had already finished my breakfast and was scrolling through social media.


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Flinching from the sudden cough, I glance over at Atsuko who was smirking at me. " It seems accurate."

She did not. " I mean," waving the cup of f/d in front of her, I feel a sense of laughter coming when Atsuko tries to hide her smile by drinking coffee.

" Its better than an ACTUAL conversation. If you can call it at that." Nodding by my words, Atsuko takes another sip from the cup as Nora happily skips inside and kiss on Atsuko's forehead.

" Ew, affection." I teased. Nora gasp, going over and now pinching my cheeks.

" Aw, but you used to love being pampered with affections!"

Pampering small kisses on my cheeks. My cheeks started heating up as I try to nudge Nora. The more I grow up, the more she's knows I'm comfortable around them which also means pampering with affection. But. I couldn't help but smile at that, no matter how hard I push her.

I still find myself in her arms, like a child would. Finally, she stop and kiss my forehead all while ruffling my head.

" Okay !" Huffing with excitement, she look behind her when Yumi entered the room.

" I'll take my leave ! I'll see you all later !" I wave her goodbye. Chuckling slightly at the sight of Yumi getting flustered by Nora's sudden small peck of a kiss on her forehead before leaving.

" She's in a good mood." Atsuko nodded, going over to place the empty cup on the sink.

" Well, I wouldn't blame her," She said smiling slightly. " A big improvement came to the shop. A big shipment has come and now someone's willing to buy one of the oldest antiques. "

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