•♥︎• Oh no, not again Chapter : Ten •♥︎•

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Arriving inside of the mall. The three friends walk pass various stores, Yumi's eyes glimmering with delight when her focus landed on an arcade. The sight made Y/n chuckle and ruffle her head, gaining her attention.

" We'll go to the Arcade later. But now, let's go up the second floor and search for something to go with the reunion, okay bunny ?"

She nodded her head, interlocking her fingers together with hers. Stepping on the steps of the escalator, Dexter behind them on his phone, probably chatting with someone.

Once they went over to the clothes section, Y/n's expression change from a subtle smile to a more serene and serious frown. She turned to Dexter who gave a cheeky smile at her.

" Please, don't get lost." She said, concern lingering in her words.

Dexter smiled, waving his hands, feeling the pride in him overwhelming her.

" Oh please. I'm not going to get lost-"

"- Again"

" Again ?" Yumi questioned, a sense of curiosity peeking through her aura as Y/n sigh and pinch the bridge of her nose. 

" He always gets lost every time we go to the mall. Sometimes, I wonder if I should buy him a dog collar with my number and name on it." 

That was the cue. Dexter lean close to Y/n's ear, smirking at her words. 

" Oo. Kinky." He whispered against her ear.

" DANG IT DEX !!" 


He laugh, waving his hand around, while taking the chance to run and search for some clothes. Rolling her eyes at him, Y/n grab hold of Yumi's hand as they went around the variety of dresses on stock.

Humming along a familiar tone, her eyes wonder over and over the clothes. 

" Should I get a tuxedo or a prom dress?" 

Yumi turn her focus over at Y/n as she glance back at her, a smile on her face. 

" You see hun. School Reunions, fall formals, prom, or anything related to those programs- are very formal. At my previous school at least,"

she said, fingers tracing along a pattern of a dress then putting it back on the rack, Yumi following behind her.

" Last prom, I wore a tuxedo. And now I'm wondering if I should do the same thing again. What do you think ?" 

Turning around for her opinion, Yumi blush and fiddled with her fingers, it wasn't the first time Y/n asked for her opinion. 

" I-I.. Well. I think we should go for a dress, unless you want a tuxedo." 

She chuckled and nodded her head, still holding onto each other's hands, they continued to look through the other clothes. 

•♡• Time skip •♡•

" How about this one Yumi ? " 

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