•♥︎• Special : Ugh •♥︎•

553 26 2


Part : 1/3

Two toys don't seem to get along with each other, don't they ? What happens when they meet again?

Genre : Toy Au

Warnings : None


•♡• First P.O.V •♡•


That was the name of the marionette standing on the stage of a music box . She was one of Ivan's creations , though what her creator made did the opposite . She too, did doings that are cruel to humankind but she held a soft spot for children , Y/n couldn't bare to hurt any children especially those who were more than five years of age .

She just couldn't , so when she heard that Ivan created another one like her though only a male puppet . She decided to help out on their missions as she repent from her evil doings though...

Paris and Y/n were the total opposites of each other making both of them difficult to handle . The two would constantly give sarcastic remarks and insults to each other, it would always end in an argument leading Ivan to sigh and try to break the two toys apart .

Like this fine evening .


Y/n's right eye twitch in annoyance when Paris gave a remark about her appearance making the puppet smirk .

" Why would I ? You look nothing but a mess darling . I mean look at those ruffles , are you sure you ironed them well ? "

Y/n gritted her teeth as Ivan watched the two bicker , their creator rubbed his temple debating whither to pry the two apart or not .


" Ought to what dear ? What would you do ? Tie me around your strings ?"

Y/n huffed and stomp her foot down, marching her way out of the room while Paris' smirk widen. Ivan sighed and placed down one of the tools he had .

" Would you please give me one day to get along with each other ? Your bickering and insults are getting inside of my head , both of you are giving me a headache."

Paris chuckled and picked some of Ivan's papers until one paper layout stood out the most.

It was Y/n's design layout : showing what her clothes are , her height , her music box , her powers, and the things Ivan created for her . Paris stood still, reading it, over and over .

" Paris could you pl-"

Ivan turned but stopped himself seeing the puppet hold a paper layout of one of the toys , raising a brow . He squinted his eyes and smirked seeing Y/n's name in the light .

" I knew it ."

Paris stopped reading and turned to Ivan while raising his brow .

" Knew what ?"

" You like her ."

The moment his creator said that, made Paris cheeks glow a bright hue as he coughed and shook his head in denial.

•♥︎• Euphoria •♥︎• Paris x Reader •♥︎•Where stories live. Discover now