•♥︎• Home sweet Home Chapter : One•♥︎•

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•♡•Y/n's P.O.V•♡•

Finally after seven months of being here in France , I'm going back home !

I pack my bags as I said goodbye to my room mate, giving him a big hug before leaving to the airport . I sat on my assigned seat , looking at the window,  smiling .

It has been a lovely seven months here at France and I couldn't be more happy to go back home , Oh how I miss Nora and Atsuko . My dear little sister Yumi and my crackhead children like best friends , I laid my head back on the seat slowly closing my eyes as I reminisce the memories in my mind .

•♡• First P.O.V •♡•

Paris and the Twins were talking about a case to be solved but stopped as Nora called in , to pick up Yumi from the twin's home. Smiling, they wave goodbye and went back to the car as Yumi held Paris in her arms.

By the time they had arrived , both of them went out of the car to see a girl wearing a black beret , a blue blouse with jeans, and some low heeled shoes .

Y/n was standing on the front porch of the house as she frantically looked around while keeping an eye on her suitcase .

' Did...they move out ?'

" Um.. Hello , How may I help you ?"

A familiar voice came from behind her as she turn around and tackled her mother to the ground , startled by this Nora pushed her away but saw the familiar glint e/c eye's.

Yumi stood in shock , her lips quivering as she gripped Paris tightly, while Paris turned his head in concern but focused on the girl that had tackled Nora to the ground .

Y/n stood up and took off her beret as she turn and saw her little sister , Yumi didn't take much time as she placed Paris near the suitcase and gave her a big tight hug . Y/n laughed picking her little sister up , twirling her around, then hugged her back .

" How ? When ?"

Asked Nora as she held back the happy tears in her eyes , Y/n turned back at her and smiled. Looking back to the girl who he assumed was Yumi big sister, He stayed silent, slightly tapping his fingers against the pavement . After being here for two months , Paris kept notice of a picture of a H/c girl on every family picture they had, it made sense that she'd be the older sister.

" Just today.. I wanted to surprise you !! "

Y/n smiled as Yumi still had her arms wrapped around her waist, Y/n went over and grab her beret from the floor . Putting it on Yumi's head , Yumi looked up as she saw her big sister gave a smile to her . Nora awed at the scene in front of her while Paris only look at the girl who had Yumi in her arms .

" See ? Now your French !"

" How about we all go inside and settle down ?"

Nora suggested. Nodding their head, Yumi let go and grabbed Paris, while Y/n grabbed her suitcase.

Dragging it in front of the door. They waited for Nora to open it , Y/n glance at Yumi who was still smiling until an idea went on her head as she gave a mischievous smirk .

•♥︎• Euphoria •♥︎• Paris x Reader •♥︎•Where stories live. Discover now