•♥︎• Special : His abandoned Castle •♥︎•

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Part : 1/4

A princess cast away from her kingdom and a prince who's cursed and now forgotten. Will the two find a way to gain back what was rightfully theirs ?

Genre : Human Au, Fantasy Au

Warnings : None


" Why must your mother give birth to such a burden." 

Those words linger through her mind, everyday. A burden ? She didn't even wanted to be born in the palace. Walking through the endless halls, her e/c eyes glance over at the night sky. How long has it been when she last went outside the castle ? 

" Y/n," His voice echoed through as her focus remained at the enchanting night sky. 

" Treat your father with respect. You may be a princess but I will not allow anyone to forsake the Imperial family's name." 

" Is that so ? Why, the very moment you were crowned King. Was the day, the Imperial family was forsaken. So don't tell me, who I should give my respect to, when the person didn't give any respect to me." She said.

After all those years of backstabbing, the rumors, the gossip's, the embarrassment's,  and the cruel manipulative things he had done to her. 

She finally had enough. 

" I would rather lose my title as princess than to lose my self-respect." 

Baring his teeth against each other. He too had enough of her.

" Very well then. You're no longer a part of the Imperial family, damn brat." 

The king walk away from her sight as Y/n smiled and walk up to her chambers. Entering silently, she went over to her bed, grabbing a travel bag from behind her pillows.

Her fingers curled against the soft fabric, Y/n grab hold of her small purse containing coins.

Finally going through all of her stuff inside of the bags, Y/n went over to her bookshelves, gently pulling out a book as a secret passage open. 

Sighing out a breath, her figure stepped inside of the dark hallway. Going through the passage way as the bookshelves close it's self. The walk was silent, a smile tug itself on her face. 

' Well. Not like, I liked the castle anyway.'

Finally, arriving at the bottom end of the hallway. She glance down at a small door leading to the stables.

Crawling her way out of the small door, Y/n look around, wishing no one was there to stop her and she was right. 

" Phin." 

A dark brown horse nuzzled it's head against her cheek. Happy to see his owner again. She smiled and turned to one of the shelves inside, grabbing her cloak and a map.

Y/n opened the stable gate of her horse and guided them both out of the stables and out of the castle. Riding into the dark forest of the kingdom, she stop when the castle and the town was no longer in view. 

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