•♥︎• Hello ! Goodbye ! Chapter : fifteen •♥︎•

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" Hey ! The carnival's coming soon. Gotta date ??"

Dexter wiggled his brows at me. Pushing his face away, I shook my head.

" Nah. I'm just gonna go with you, like I always do."

" Nope. Not gonna happen."

My brow rose. Normally, Dexter would be okay with me tagging along with him and his boyfriend but I guess its time to leave them be. Goodbye free food, you shall be miss.

" Lixian said he has something plan for me, soo. I just want to be alone with him, you understand right bestie ?" He smiled all while elbowing me gently, I rolled my eyes and nodded.

I mean I've been their third wheel for more than eons now, giving both of them alone time is something I should give. 

That's what friends are for after all. 

" Okay, okay. I'll leave you both to do your mushy lovey dovey stuff, but you owe me f/d, got that ?" 

" Sorry not sorry but no more free food and drinks." 

I let out a gasp, placing my hand on my chest to add a bit of drama. Purposely grabbing onto his shoulder as I point at his cheek. He's at the brick of dying right now. 

" Tell Lixian. I'm the legal husband, he's nothing but a mistress !!" 

" The ring on he's finger says otherwise." 

Looking over my shoulder. There he stood with his brunette hair ! Ladies and gentlemen, it's none other than Lixian Moro. Dexter's boyfriend. I stood up, already wanting to play along. 


Dexter stood up, placing a hand on my shoulder. I guess it's time to end this show. 

" I'm sorry but you're the mistress." 

We laugh, it's nice to be like we were back then. Patting Lixian's shoulder, I wave the two and walk away. It's clear as day that these two love birds need some love in their life, I mean I haven't even seen Lixian after high school !

This boy's been traveling around the world like a rock star. I mean, that is he's passion after all. Deciding to grab a drink to go, I waited in line as usual, ordering a simple f/d on the way.

Walking out of the Cafe. Soft gasps of wind flew by as I watch children playing around the park. Personally, I wouldn't like to have children because of various things but their cool and sweet... most of the time.

Might kick a kid if they get too close though. Yeah.. might.. 

Maybe.. Possibly.. 


I sat on one of the park benches. Deciding to stay here for a few minutes, its still late in the afternoon. Lily's currently babysitting Yumi, ehem going on a mission with Paris ehem.

My thoughts drifted on and on. Well, Nora and Atsuko won't be back until eight in the evening. The carnival's gonna be this Friday, I'm going to ask Paris if he's going to be alright with accompanying me with Yumi. What else ? Oh of course ! Che-

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