•♥︎• You scream, Ice cream ! Chapter: Nine •♥︎•

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" Huh. Where am I ?"

My eyes wonder over at the dark void surrounding me until a bright light shine over, and there,  I saw her.

A mini version of myself, hiding inside the closet, half asleep. The light slowly decreasing into a subtle darkness. 

' Great. It's this again.'

A thud came outside the closet. A groan escape from my lips, I haven't seen this one in a while.

" Okay. I'm tired of this, now, Let me see who the hell is behind there !"

I tried to open the doors but nothing changed.

It was the same old dream, same old memory, peeking through the small key hole.

There it was, a small shadow figure. I can't clearly see it because of the dark but I can visualize what it was.

' Damn bastard.'

Slowly opening my eyes as the sun light hit me. I laid still in bed.

Just who the hell was that ?

I know I have trouble remembering things but if that person keeps appearing in my dreams, especially since that was a part of a memory.

They must be important, right ?

Oh well. Might as well start the day.

•♥︎• Third. P.O.V •♥︎•

" Good morning."

Y/n said with a smile on her face as she pass by Yumi's tired self sitting on the table. Walking inside of the kitchen, she open the fridge.

" Mhm. Time to stock up on Mama's night juice. " She glance over at the shelves realizing something was off. " Where's my apple blood ?"

" Oh ! I drank it last night when you were taking a shower."

Yumi replied with a smile on her face as she ate her pancakes. Disgust and shock stayed on her face while Yumi smirk at her, innocently eating her breakfast.

" This means war Yumi."

" Y/n, Don't you dare try and grab Yumi's pancakes again. Yours are already on the counter." 

Atsuko interrupted with a sigh coming out of her lips, already taking a step inside the kitchen to start her day.

Y/n bit her lip as Yumi smiled at her and ate another portion of her pancake, leaving her to groan and grab a plate to eat. 

Nora entered the room, beaming with a smile on her face as Atsuko glance and smiled at her.

A soft clutch on her heart tug inside. The way Atsuko glances and just smiles at Nora whether she's looking at her or not, makes a tiny spark of hope light up inside of her hopeful fantasies.

  Y/n grinned, eating her breakfast all while watching the two mothers greet each other with a smile on their faces. 

" Oh," Nora started, placing her cup of Matcha tea on the table.

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