•♡• Halloween Special : Pinocchio •♡•

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Pinocchio. A classical fairytale, read and watch from the very beginning of childhood. But what if the story you've read isn't what it is ? 

This special is heavily inspired by the original book of Pinocchio written and published by Carlo Collodi.

I highly suggest reading the full novel, if you ever wonder what inspired Disney to animate the infamous Pinocchio.

I'm a sucker for any dark origins of the fairytales my childhood had. Now that its Halloween, I finally have an excuse to make what me and my friends been trying to do but didn't because of limited time.

Turning our favorite fairytales into our darkest nightmares.

Genre : Fantasy Au, Yandere Au

Warnings : Gore, swears and death. 

Read in dark mode


" Father." A young woman walk inside the room to see a man taking out his coat. Small eyebags underneath his pale skin as he smile at her. 

" Good evening Y/n. I see you've done all of your chores, well,  I must be off. Sir Antonio had called me, saying he has something for me to make." 

Y/n Wright. Eldest daughter of Ivan Wright, an amazing inventor and puppeteer who has lost his touch, now seeking to see more than he is. 

" Its almost midnight !" She protested, going over to her father who merely chuckled and pat her head. 

" I'll be fine mon cheri. No need for you to be worried. Now, please be a dear and grab my hat, I won't be long." 

Y/n nodded, knowing there is nothing to stop her father. Taking the hat off the table, she handed it over to Ivan. Kissing her fore head, he left without another word leaving the young gal alone.

A purring sound made her glance down, it was their pet cat. Figaro. Petting his head, Y/n walk up the stairs and to her bedroom, looking straight at a picture from ages ago. 

There she was standing beside her mother, sister and father. Sadly, their mother died peacefully in her bed from a mistreated fever. Her sister, Yumi, was sent out to an all girls boarding school where her older sister stayed long after their mother pass.

Now old enough to take care of herself, she finally left school and helped her father with his workshop, leaving Yumi to stay within school grounds until she's old enough to come back home. 

The clock chime midnight, her father wasn't home yet. A dreaded feeling wash over her as she look out to the window. On top of an old branch, a crow sat on top of it, looking at her, watching her every move until the front door shut open.

Hearing the familiar footsteps, Y/n rush down the flight of stairs where she saw her father, holding a block of wood in his hands and a smile on his face. 

Without a moment to lose, Ivan walk straight to his workshop, his daughter trailing right behind him. Sitting the block of wood on the table, he started his masterpiece. 

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