•♥︎• Who are you ? Chapter : Two •♥︎•

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•♥︎• Third P.O.V •♥︎•

Y/n yawned and stretch her arms out , looking out towards her window she noticed it was already morning. Groaning to herself, she pulled her pillow over her head, trying to stop the light to shine over her. As she closed her eyes and started to drift back to sleep. 


Her phone rang, jumping in fright, Y/n slipped and fell down on the floor. The covers gripping tight on her right leg. Sighing, she sat up and rubbed her head. 

" Remind me to change my ring tone to a more calm song than that horror scream." 

Laying back down on the floor, Y/n waited until the alarm stopped. 


" Good morning hun!! Don't mind making breakfast for us alright ? Well knowing it's coming from you , I suppose I shouldn't expect less ."

I rolled my eyes playfully when Nora teased making the two adults giggle , Atsuko placed down a plate of pancakes on the table and place her hands on her hips while I went over to the fridge and grab hold of a pitcher filled with water. 

" Could you perhaps wake Yumi up hun ? To eat breakfast with us ."

Grabbing a glass of water and taking a sip out of it, I  saluted and went upstairs to Yumi's room while Atsuko chuckled and shook her head , Nora smiled at the two while placing plates on each side of the table.

Slowly creaking open the door, I saw her sleeping peacefully on the bed and a puppet closing his eyes.  I smirk and went to Yumi , face planting on top of her made Yumi wake up and hurriedly sat up straight.

" N/N ?!"

I hummed and hugged on Yumi's small body while she whine ; trying to let me let go of her. Ha ! Sorry hun, I want to sleep too. 

" Y/n !! Your heavy !!"

Oh. OH, OH OKAY. I sat up making Yumi giggle,  placing a hand on top of my fore head, I turned my back against hers, sighing dramatically .

" I just can't !!"

Laying down again on Yumi, I could feel her laugh and I know she's feeling my HEAVY body on her. 

" The skies awake !! So I'm awake !! And we have to eat !!!"

Paris opened his eyes and look at the two ; silently chuckling at Y/n's odd behavior .

" Go eat by yourself !!"

Yumi teased,  this what usually happens when Y/n wakes Yumi up. The two girls act a scene from Frozen , both their favorite movie . They joked and decided to have that as their wake up call to one another. Y/n peeked over at Yumi and gasped .

" Is that a threat ?!"

Though sometimes the two siblings love being dramatic when waking one another , Yumi stuck her tongue out,  and giggled making her sister sat up and place a hand on her chest .

" You expect me to eat by myself without my dear, lovely, beautiful, majestic, sister ?!"

Yumi place a hand on her chin in a thinking pose and nodded her head. The two went in complete silence until Y/n shrugged her shoulders .

•♥︎• Euphoria •♥︎• Paris x Reader •♥︎•Where stories live. Discover now